Speaking of du-uh!

Now I know that I had minor surgery last week and am extremely tired as I work while I recuperate, but this was rediculous!

I have a printer only a few months old. I took out the white paper located at the top and back of the printer and put in the gold paper. I hit the print key. I looked up and a white sheet had printed. Hmmmm. This printer does have the capability to duplex print. Perhaps a piece of paper was still in there. I print a larger spreadsheeet. All comes out white.

I call a co-worker in. Am I hallucinating? No. She sees white paper coming out with gold paper in the slot too.

We both look the printer over looking for some place other paper might be stored. I have no idea how it got there, but after all, gold paper does not turn into white paper! While looking my co-worker begins also looking for Stephen King. I am too tired to deal with this and think perhaps I am freaking out.

I call my boss in (it's the perfect job for a CEO). She helps me look and ta-da! We find a tray I didn't know about with white paper in it. I am still confused. I never put white paper in it, and I printed on colored paper just a few weeks ago.

She gives me a very patient look and reminds me that the computer tech guy who was here earlier today told us that the other kind of feed-through helps the printer last longer. I guess he was in my office alone for a bit. Du-uh!

And just think, my CEO helped me so I was able to further impress her with my capabilities and intelligence.

I think I'll go home now.



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Whenever my boss has to "help" me his stock phrase is, "that's why I make a nickel more".
  • Nae, I feel your pain, especially today! But I had the opposite experience on Wednesday when my boss came in and asked me how the e-mail address gets underlined and bolded in the body of an e-mail. He said he tried everything to no avail. I stood up put on my superwoman cape (in my mind) and followed him into his office.

    Once at his side in front of his monitor I looked and he had typed an e-mail address in the body of his message that was not underlined but the cursor was at the end of the .com, so I hit the space bar and "PRESTO" the web address became underlined.

    He gasped (yes, he really did) and then asked me how I did that. Mind you, he watched me reach for the space bar and push it. I hit the backspace key which erased the underline and then spaced again. He gasped again and exclaimed "that's all you have to do?" I just smiled, nodded and shook my head as I went back to my office.
  • That reminds me of a joke (I think it was a joke, not a true story) that goes like this:

    An up and coming young jr. executive noticed his boss struggling to figure out how the office shredder worked. Figuring this was an opportunity to look good, the jr. exec rushed over and grabbed the stack of papers out of his boss's hand saying "Here, sir, let me help you with this."

    He quickly fed the papers through the shredder and exclaimed, "There you go!"

    "Thanks! I couldn't figure out this dang machine" said the boss,"I just need a couple copies."
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