We only fire those we don't like

Today on MSN I read an article you might find interesting. It listed 12 signs that you are about to get fired. According to this article, we fire people because we don't like them, not because of their job performance. I copied #6 on the list and pasted it below:
"6. You and Your Boss Are Not Getting Along.
Corporate management will swear it's not personal, yet many downsizings are actually ways to get rid of unpopular or "black-listed" employees. Performance is a subjective judgment and managers are more likely to get rid of people they don't like."
I can't tell you who the author is, their credentials, or how to get to the article because when I went back it wasn't there any longer. Just thought you might be interested to know that though for years you have thought you were gathering proof that the employee was not earning their keep, it turns out that you just didn't like them. We leave employees out of the loop and don't invite them to meetings, give them bad evaluations, and keep lots of documentation on them because we don't like them. Our claims of failure to complete projects or deadlines, and counting mistakes are all subjective. If only I had known sooner!
"6. You and Your Boss Are Not Getting Along.
Corporate management will swear it's not personal, yet many downsizings are actually ways to get rid of unpopular or "black-listed" employees. Performance is a subjective judgment and managers are more likely to get rid of people they don't like."
I can't tell you who the author is, their credentials, or how to get to the article because when I went back it wasn't there any longer. Just thought you might be interested to know that though for years you have thought you were gathering proof that the employee was not earning their keep, it turns out that you just didn't like them. We leave employees out of the loop and don't invite them to meetings, give them bad evaluations, and keep lots of documentation on them because we don't like them. Our claims of failure to complete projects or deadlines, and counting mistakes are all subjective. If only I had known sooner!
It's a book called "Corporate Confidential".
A former Human Resources executive blows the whistle on the corporate secrets that can hold back -- or even torpedo -- careers. In Corporate Confidential, Cynthia Shapiro unmasks some startling truths, and what employees can do about them, including:
There's no right to free speech in the workplace
Layoffs aren't what we've been told
Age discrimination is alive and well
Promotions are lost in the asking
Why being too smart is not too smart
HR is not there to help you, but to protect the company from you
And 44 more!
I love the one where she says talking to HR can cost you your job. Give me a break. This lady has nothing better to do with her time??
Just saw the article again. It is called "12 Signs You Are About to be Fired" by Kate Lorenz, a CareerBuilder.com editor. I can't seem to do the link, but if you copy and paste what I have below you should be able to get there.
Doesn't this inspire you to go to CareerBuilder.com right now and use them since they are obviously so savvy?