Alert button

So what exactly happens when you push the "alert" button? I have wanted to push it on Ray a couple of times but never have.
Are sirens and flashing lights set off?
Are sirens and flashing lights set off?
I did make lutefisk for everybody. I ran out of lye so I substituted Comet cleanser and it turned out alright. After that we all went to the Kirby Puckett memorial service and then to the MOA for dinner at HOOters, but most of the group ended up leaving out of protest. A good time was had by most.
When you hit the Alert button, it creates a cutting-edge communication that we call "e-mail." x:o It's sent to wake up the Forum moderator on duty, xI-) who typically will wake up another moderator, and together they'll decide to do something, or maybe not.
We get very few Alerts anymore. And we only delete about half of the messages that people complain about.
:-? Maybe it's not so exciting after all.
James Sokolowski
Then I read that "abusing the alert button could result in having your account suspended" so I backed off.
That said, consider yourself "on notice".