The Grammy's

Anyone going to watch the Grammys tonight? My only interest would be to see Jon Stewart and my former high school alumni, Gwen Stefani.
If the Arcade Fire or Death Cab For Cutie performed, that would be worth seeing too.
I enjoy watching the rock stars attempt to make reasoned and rational political statements inbetween sticking out their tongues and having wardrobe malfunctions.
If the Arcade Fire or Death Cab For Cutie performed, that would be worth seeing too.
I enjoy watching the rock stars attempt to make reasoned and rational political statements inbetween sticking out their tongues and having wardrobe malfunctions.
It's not grammy's but this reminds me of a time we went to a Santana concert about 2 or 3 years ago. With his "comeback" he has picked up a lot of fans from the (shall we say)youngrrrrr generation. Of course this is different from those of us who knew who he was back in our really youngrrrr days! Anyway, there was a pretty good mix of several generations represented. At the end of the show, Santana comes out for a standing ovation and goes into "Black Magic Woman." Of course all of us that knew him way back when started clapping and yelling. Two members of the newer fans sitting in front of us had the following conversation...."Is this new?"...."yea, it's so new he didn't get it on his latest CD" (which had just been released!). We spent the entire song laughing so hard, we had tears rolling down our cheeks. We didn't have the heart to tell them that their momma probably heard this song long before she met their daddy!
Anyway, just wanted to share that moment!!!
U2s rendition of "One" with Mary J. Blije was particularly amazing.
If you didn't see it, Madonna performed alongside Gorillaz who were digitally created. Or was it visa versa.
There was more goofiness than real controversy. Kahne West made himself look like an idiot by pretending he was totally shocked to recieve his award and then unfolding a piece of paper with the words "Thank you list" clearly printed on the back. Probably seemed like a funny idea back in the dressing room.
Bruce Springsteen managed to make the only anti-war statement of the night by yelling "Bring em home" after his performance of "Devils and Dust". He got a standing ovation but Bono (from U2) was noticeably still seated.
Perhaps the Oscars will provide more controversy and awkward moments.
A: You get your job back, your marriage is mended, you stop drinking, the kids love you again and the dog stops barking at you! All is right with the world!