re: Clinton Legacy

After being away for awhile I decided to see what hot topics were being discussed. Low and behold there is Clinton. Everyone is entitled to their own opnion about any subject but professionals ought to take a scientific approach, gather all facts and then opine. Earlier one of my posts elicited a response that I must not have anything going on in my head except politics (or something to that effect). In any post that I have made my opinion was based upon the facts that had been gathered and analyzed. So, LivindonSouth please tell me your post about the Social Security and FUTA tax funds being looted in the Clinton years was in jest. The opposite is true. These funds were increased during the Clinton years. If you want to you can give credit to the Republican congress, I really don't care. What I do care about is your facts should be correct. What is occuring under the current administration is hurting the Social Security funds. Either do research on your own or go back to one of my earlier posts that talked about how social security and how it fit into the overall Federal Budget.



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