Wimmin Gettin' Ready

Why does it take her one hour to get ready for work in the morning and three hours to get ready for a college football game on Saturday? I cannot figure it out. For work, a woman has to wear sorta dress-up clothes and look just right. For a football game, you can wear jeans and whatever the hell you wanta wear. Go figure.
Note: (I hope you weren't referring to your wife in this scenario but to your daughter. If you were referring to your spouse, I apologize.)
>work?! There aren't any in my company that I
>want to impress. However, college guys at a
>football game--well, that's a totally different
Oh you are so right! Rah, rah, rah...
Cheryl C.
Very well said!
For all but a few women, going to a football game (collegiate or professional) is a special, social occassion, like going out on a one-on-one date or to a party. So we have to dress the part. Whether YOU are looking at other girls and comparing them to the woman you're with or not, she sure the heck is. The self-pitying, attention-getter complaints tend to be smaller at these functions ("maybe I should have worn the other hat instead of this dark one" instead of "I cannot believe I tried to sqeeze into these blue jeans - they were tight last year!"), because of the informality of the occassion, but if you pay attention, they're still there. The get-up-and-go-to-work routine is practised and mundane and not-so-very-important. Plus, if they actually try to be fans and wear fan-gear, there's typically a limited selection in the closet, so they have to mix and match so they don't end up representing the opposing team. Oh, wait, maybe that's only me... I've seen LOTS of women show up in Kansas blue or K-State purple to any number of Missouri games. What I really hate is when they show up wearing St. Louis Cardinals (red) gear for a black-n-gold college football game - oh, wait - that's not just females, either.
You know you've got a true fan as a partner when she takes the same amount or less time getting ready for a game than you do. My husband and I almost race these days to see who gets to the car first. Of course, I'm always the one reminding him to put on sun screen (which I've already done) and grab a ballcap (which I've already done), etc... So I usually have the car warmed up by the time he gets there. Been goin' to Mizzou games for 12 years now; we've got the routine down pat.
By the way, Don - it's heartwarming to know you were able to find the time to recreate in all the chaos going on down there. Did your team(s) win?
There was an area reserved for hurricane victims who have found temporary refuge in the area of Hattiesburg. Their tickets and refreshments were complimentary!
I'm seriously looking forward to the cold weather games - did one too many of those mid-day, 100-degree games, apparently. I always say you can only take off so many clothes, but you can always put more on. Of course, that makes getting to know your stadium seatmates more important in the pre-season, since you'll feel like everyone is sitting in everyone else's lap with all the extra layers on!
(Plus, that means it's chili season!)