Jim Traficant

I found a web site last night with some hilarious quotes made by ousted, convicted and jailed former Congressman Jim Traficant from Ohio. Anyway, here are two hilarious quotes:

"Mr. Speaker, news reports say the Pentagon is stuck with 600,000 black berets made in China, and the Pentagon is storing these Communist hats in a warehouse in Pennsylvania," he said. "If that is not enough to bust your balloons, the Pentagon is trying to sell these Communist hats to foreign countries; and guess what the Pentagon is hearing from these foreign countries. Why would we buy them? Why would we want our troops to wear hats made in China? Beam me up. The Pentagon just did not waive the Buy American Act, the Pentagon waved Old Glory the wrong way. Mr. Speaker, I suggest that these Chinese berets be made into suppositories and be used on Pentagon brass."


"If you don't get those cameras out of my face, I'm gonna go 8.6 on the Richter scale with gastric emissions that'll clear this room!" — Traficant to photojournalists covering his House ethics subcommittee hearing.


"I want you to disregard all the opposing counsel has said. I think they're delusionary. I think they've had something funny for lunch in their meal, I think they should be handcuffed, chained to a fence and flogged, and all of their hearsay evidence should be thrown the hell out. And if they lie again, I'm going to go over there and kick them in the crotch. Thank you very much." — Traficant's closing statement to the ethics panel.



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