hunting season

Big city New York lawyer goes bird hunting in West Virginia. He drops a bird, but it falls into a farmer's field on the other side of a fence. As the lawyer is climbing over the fence, an elderly farmer drives up on his tractor and asks what he's doing. "I shot a bird and it fell into this field and I'm going to retrieve it." Farmer replies "No you ain't, this is my property and you ain't comin over here!" Amused, the lawyer says, "Well, I'm one of the best trial lawyers in the country, and if you don't let me get that bird, I'll sue you and take everything you own!"
Farmer smiles and says "Apparantly you don't know how we do things down here. We settle small disagreements like this with the West Virginia three kick rule." Curious, the lawyer asks what the three kick rule is. "Well," says the farmer, "First I kick you three times and then you kick me three times then I kick you three times and so on, back and forth..until one of us gives up." Sizing up the old codger as an easy mark, the lawyer decides to take advantage of the local rule and agrees to the proposed resolution procedure. The old farmer slowly gets down off the tractor and walks over to the lawyer. He plants his first steel toed boot kick squarely into the lawyers groin and drops him to his knees. The second kick nearly takes off his nose and lands him flat on the ground. The third kick is a direct hit to the kidneys and leaves the lawyer questioning his decision to test the local rule. The lawyer summons every last ounce of his energy, gets up and says "Ok you old fart, now it's my turn."
Farmer smiles and says, "Naw, I give up, you can have the bird."
Farmer smiles and says "Apparantly you don't know how we do things down here. We settle small disagreements like this with the West Virginia three kick rule." Curious, the lawyer asks what the three kick rule is. "Well," says the farmer, "First I kick you three times and then you kick me three times then I kick you three times and so on, back and forth..until one of us gives up." Sizing up the old codger as an easy mark, the lawyer decides to take advantage of the local rule and agrees to the proposed resolution procedure. The old farmer slowly gets down off the tractor and walks over to the lawyer. He plants his first steel toed boot kick squarely into the lawyers groin and drops him to his knees. The second kick nearly takes off his nose and lands him flat on the ground. The third kick is a direct hit to the kidneys and leaves the lawyer questioning his decision to test the local rule. The lawyer summons every last ounce of his energy, gets up and says "Ok you old fart, now it's my turn."
Farmer smiles and says, "Naw, I give up, you can have the bird."