Hot Air

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-29-05 AT 01:26PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Well, I can’t help myself; I had the best weekend in a long time although I am still exhausted from all the work. This year was the 2nd annual balloon festival here and my bud from Albuquerque, whose name is Bud, came to town again with a brand new balloon. The company I work for sponsored his balloon and I got the pleasure of not only working the crew but also taking a wonderful ride that lasted ½ hour. During the ride a saw a 10-point buck and so many other wildlife in the fields it was just awesome. There was a light breeze and the landing was as smooth as a baby’s behind. This was my maiden voyage and was initiated afterwards along with my son who also took a maiden flight. We worked the crew on Friday night, Saturday morning and Sunday morning. Had to be at the launch site in the mornings at 5 AM. On Saturday night I donated my time and musical talent to the local American Legion for all the vets and didn't leave there until 1:30 AM and had to be at the launch site at 5 AM. Last night I had to come to the plant at 9:30 PM for a new hire orientation and didn't get out of here until 2:30 this morning but it was all worth the effort. Can’t wait until next year, come on August 2006.
And crewing is almost as fun, despite the hours. I described ballooning to my fishing father as comparable to sitting in a boat in the middle of the sky where it's so quiet, and yet the most incredible sounds are magnified - music etc. My brother took his first flight on a safari in Africa with the giraffes and other wildlife below him. Albuquerque, International Balloon Fiesta starts here on September 30 and the balloons will be flying over my new condo - and I'll go to the field. It's tremendous. Enjoy!
Sorry for the hijack Safety.
(EDIT) HR LASS, I think I also count three posts from you as well! x:-)