These Whore Teachers

And they are all blondes looking off into the sunset like doe deer in the headlights. What's with all these long haired blonde women having sex with 13 year old children? If these were men, the whole country, and all of YOU, would be up in arms until they were strung up!



  • 44 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It's a 13 year old boy's dream come true...or at least it would have been for me anyway.
  • They sure didn't have teachers that looked like that when I was 13.

    Seriously, it is really sad to imagine the mentality of someone that would stoop to this. As Livindon said, most of these "offenders" were beautiful blondes that could have had 100's of men their age swooning all over them.
  • Yes...but how much could they control those men? These women are worse than sad, and deserve all the jail time we can give them.
  • As the mother of two boys, this issue scares me to death. We worry about drugs, smoking, bullies, and now we have to worry about our children being taken advantage of by the persons that we leave them with everyday. I think that these women should be strung up. I believe mandatory prison sentences for these teachers is in order. LONG prison sentences.

  • What's your point? It seems that when teachers break the law they get arrested and go to jail, we read about it in the newspaper and we applaud. There doesn't seem to be a difference between how male teachers and female teachers are treated in regard to the legalities. What does seem different is that the female teachers become Enquirer - style fodder a bit more than male teachers. I agree with my namesake Gjack - they should all go to jail for a very long time.
  • My point is that we seem to sort of celebrate it, as shown in the first two responses above. What's up, was the question. I guess the point there was why does this just now seem to be happening with such regularity? The media seem to crave it and sensationalize it. The women seem often to bask in it. The woman in Florida wanted to look cute and flip and sexy and knew when the camera was on her. One of them marries the kid who impregnated her twice. Now another two are caught in the back seat with a kid.

    It's a fact that we look at it differently when the perpetrator is a male. The responses are NOT the same. Maybe both wind up in jail. But I'll bet you a thousand bucks the jailers are all gawking at the women and joking about wishing it had been them at that age, while when the man is in the cell, the jailers are debating which testicle will belong to which jailer. And the judges are loathe to sentence the women. Big double standard and I am as guilty as the rest.

  • I agree 100%. The only point I made about equality was the legalities. I guess it boils down to how the media presents things and this is more often in a way that sensationalizes the stories. Who knows if it is happening more now than before - maybe it is being reported more. The whole thing is sick.
  • The double standard is deeply rooted. Back in the day, men can sleep around all we want before marriage as we are just gaining experience, but when the women did it, they were labeled as sluts or easy.

    Things have changed, but Don has pointed out one of the inequities - it is a double standard and this is a glaring example.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-12-05 AT 01:46PM (CST)[/font][br][br]And the scariest thing of all, I finally agree with Don about a social issue. When Mary Kay LaTourneau got coverage, after she left prison,because she married her former student (and the father of her two youngest children), it was treated as if this was a true love conquers all story, instead of the sordid, disgusting story of a female teacher who betrayed the trust of not only her students but (even worse) her husband and kids.

  • i will get you all, one by one. I knew you would come around.

    And, I am recovering from Marc's double entendre 'deeply rooted' remark. That devil!

  • You are not only astute, you power of observation is well developed.

    I usually throw in a wink ir other icon for those remarks, but I thought I would go without to see if anyone was awake. After all, isn't going without part of this story?
  • The double standard is not a foreign concept. It's a given. That's what is outrageous to some. When a male teacher has sex with a young female student, it's a 'violation.' When a female teacher has sex with a young male student, it's a trophy. Therefore; it seems less of a crime since he is not victimized, but rather hailed as a hero.

    Legally it's the same crime, but because there IS a double standard, we tend to be less appalled when a boy is a victim . . or hero . . or whatever.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-14-05 AT 03:30AM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-14-05 AT 03:29 AM (CST)[/font]

  • I find it disturbing that they have registered for their upcoming wedding and that you can go on line to see what they registered for and where. A radio show here in FL talked about this several months ago. People that have never met them are buying them gifts. They have now added expensive items (i.e. TV) to the list.
  • Have they listed 'six sessions with a psychiatrist'?

  • How do you edit nothing twice?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-15-05 AT 09:03AM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-15-05 AT 09:01 AM (CST)[/font]

    Please don't ask that, just be glad it is empty. LOL.

    America has a big problem with sexual issues and it is playing itself out in these sordid tales. Why a mature person would be looking at a 13 year old with sexual intentions is sick -- I don't care what color the hair is or what sex the person is.
  • I could explain, but would only dig myself a deeper hole.

  • >Why a mature person would be looking at a 13
    >year old with sexual intentions is sick

    A mature person would not be looking at a 13 year old with sexual intentions. A sick, immature person would.

  • I was carrying on recently about this issue to my 18 year old stepson, and anyone else in the house that was listening. I didn't like teenage boys when I was a teen...they smelled funny and had a general aversion to soap and water...ick. I can't imagine finding that attractive as an adult!!

    BUT, I will say this about Mary Kay and her situation...whatever it was about that was THAT kid. I think they could have met anywhere at any point in their lives and the result would have been the same. I'm not saying it's right or that she didn't deserve the jail time...she did...but there was just something about the two of them...and I don't think anything would have kept them apart.

    as for the rest of them....males and females...I just don't get's scary....and sad
  • Yes Don, you are absolutely correct. How much time did Laterno do? It seemed pretty short to me. I'd wager that a man would have done a LOT more time, and probably would NOT have had the opportunity, as Laterno did, to sire another child. But so what? Since I am one of those old-school guys who, as a 17 year-old, would have seen this event as something of a dream (or fantasy) come true, I find it difficult to now advocate throwing the book at her, even though I am fully aware on another level that throwing the book at her is the correct course of action.
  • No, but you can buy them some nice crystal water goblets from Macys!
  • Crout; I can help you sort through this dilemma without the starry eyed visions of a seventeen year old's semi-erection. Pretend that the child involved was your 13 or 14 year old son. Now imigine that six months after the series of sexual escapades he stays in his room with the door locked, rarely communicates with you and his mother, has no appetite, makes lousy grades, loses interest in his usual activities, slams doors and won't talk to you or take calls from his friends. Will you enjoy the suicide watch?

    Suddenly this is not the 'dream' all of us had during adolescence. Somehow it takes on a whole other nature and is much more serious that we want to admit. Lives of children can be destroyed by so many actions perpetrated by adults. Some of us recover, some of us do not.

    Castrate the men and send the women to prison for life.

  • Quite the discussion. I have to admit that when I first read your topic line on this forum, I thought the discussion was going to be about unionized teachers. They've prostituted their values and professionalism in an attempt at financial gain, and have been fairly successful, at least in WI. No higher value than remuneration.


    Perhaps my life would have been ruined by accepting that invitation of the young woman who invited me into her home when delivering groceries when I was 16. Guess I'll never know. x}>
  • Hey, I agree completely in principle. It's a crime for teachers to seduce students, and those perpetrators should be severely punished. Yet a part of me is still skeptical that the average....I say average...17 year-old boy will look back on such an event 20 years down the road and feel traumatized.
  • Teachers deserve to earn a living wage too. Just because they deal with kids, doesn't mean that it should be volunteer work.

    In PA teachers need not only a bachelor's degree, but within 5 years must also obtain a Master's degree. These are expensive...and the salary of the job should allow room for the addition to the cost of general living.

    We have this mentality that people who sign up for "people work", and this includes HR people...that somehow just the "warm fuzzies" that we get from our job should be enough....the reality is that teachers, social workers, HR staff, and many similar jobs are professional in nature...we want the best people in these roles (especially those dealing with our children) and we should pay them accordingly.

    OK, off my soapbox now.

  • I agree with what you said 100%. There does seem to be this notion that 'the school marm' ought to be satisfied with a sack-cloth dress and her crocheting circle in the evenings. Her life must be one of sacrifice and giving, her real goals should only be to educate the children, teach them to behave, generally provide for their socialization, show them how to properly brush their teeth, do some role playing in how to disagree without arguing and fighting, convince them that 'mother' is not half of a word, show them the value of setting and achieving goals and convince them to respect themselves and others.

    And if she's a good teacher who gains the favor of the 2 or 3 parents who belong to the PTA, at Christmas-time they will give her another hand-me-down sack-cloth dress and some chocolates for her labor. And if she should be cajoled into paying dues to a teacher association (union), she should forever be branded by the community at large as one who has prostituted herself and her profession for personal gain.

    'Scuse me, but I had heard somewhere that it was the priesthood that required the vow of poverty.

  • >
    >'Scuse me, but I had heard somewhere that it was
    >the priesthood that required the vow of poverty.
    >And Chastity.


  • >>And Chastity.

    Right, and there was a time when female teachers were fired if they got married.

  • Ah, when would that have been? Even teachers on Little House on The Prairie were allowed to marry. Are you perhaps lost in Colonial Times?

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