Ghostly Mail

It's the creepiest thing. You know how interdepartmental mailing envelopes are designed to be used over and over, and then discarded once there's no more room for names? Did you ever get an envelope and the last person to use it has been gone (sometimes literally) for years? I have a pile of envelopes in my desk. I just pulled one in absolute pristine condition, except for one signature, which is the signature of an HR guy who left the company over 5 years ago. I once found one from 1992, and once from a woman who was dead for two years. How do these things escape being used up? The one I got this morning originally came from a pile that is maintained by the HR Assistant. That means it MUST have been used by someone else recently, yet all I see is the one signature. It's downright weird I tell you. Or do I have too much time on my hands?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Crout: We've had multiple threads going for over three years now and everybody has missed you. We've all wondered if you had retired or gotten killed off or had just quit and disappeared since we've not heard from you since March or April of '04, I think someone said. I've been wondering what you think of the 2008 Corvette or if you've gotten comfortable with president Corteras and her cabinet. Someone said your wife had remarried. Let us hear from you often. Glad you're back.

  • Crout, do you mean something like you all of a sudden posting back on the Forum?

    However, I do agree with you that these envelopes are somewhat weird. We in HR are the biggest users of those envelopes, so we are constantly begging all departments/enterprises to bring their empty ones to the main mail room. Sometimes you grab one that hasn't been used for years. I haven't had something as spooky as it being last used by someone who is dead, but certainly someone who has been gone for a couple years.
  • Leslie, Crout's like the Maytag repairman. He just don't get no respect and don't get no mail. When he reaches in his bottom drawer and dusts off that pile of envelopes, he's had most of them for years. Some of the mail coming to him is actually addressed to the HR guy who left five years ago. He oughta get out in the hall more often. Sometimes I have to remind people how to spell my last name, but at least they know I'm the guy in HR.

  • Scoff if you will, but I've discovered a genuine office phenomenon. There's a Sargasso Sea of interdepartmental envelopes out there, and I'm gonna find if it's the last thing I
  • We don't use those envelopes, but they still show up on my desk - that ebb and flow of that sea throws the flotsam and jetsom up on the shores of my office - I'll sort through and see if there are any here for you.
  • I think I have some of yours as well. Maybe we can all gather them up and send them to you.
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