Do you?



  • Our television is on about 2 hours a day. 30 minutes in the morning before work when my daughter watchs Dora the Explorer. 30 minutes when we return home when she watches Dragon Tales. Then for aobut 30 minutes at night for me to watch the news and fall asleep.

    I think the most ironic thing is that we are actually a Nielson Family (how I have NO clue how we were selected)!
  • We did the week-long Nielson thing last month. Hubby got a 60" flat screen for our new house, and we'd been watching it irregularly since the April move-in. Then he goes & volunteers to be a "Nielson family!" Not counting the hours we had it tuned to satellite radio (Sirius), I think we watched ~10 hours in seven days (conincided with the first London bombing incidents and hubby had FoxNews on all day). We have one other TV, sitting on the floor in the bedroom because we can't figure out how to get it back into the entertainment center after the move.

    I watch anything sci-fi or fantasy (except those campy sci-fi channel "original series"). I'll also watch COPS and Charmed re-runs. But my default channels are Discovery & Discovery Times. Love those shark/lizard/lion/snake shows, as well as shows such as History of the Bible or Wild West Tech. Guess I miss being in grade school...
  • We have five tv's but only two get used, really. That's because I refuse to watch any more sports (except for tennis when the Williams sisters are playing).

    I love CNN in the morning while I dress (can't believe the things my fellow Americans will say at times -- yesterday this guy said that he wanted to take all the Democrats in the US, line them up and shoot them!!! Now just who would he debate with and blame, after that). Usually catch a movie (Lifetime, if I want to cry and HBO if I want to see somebody die) or a special of some type in the evening -- if I watch at all. I, too love PBS. I will watch FOX (very carefully) as I like HOUSE and got addicted to that American IDOL show. One of my favorites was the last few The Apprentice shows -- as I try to apply my HR knowledge (not!) when I view it.

    My rule is NEVER to watch the news before bed -- don't want to take those bad thoughts into sleep with me.
  • We have one tv - I refuse to get cable or satellite and I won't put up an aerial antenna, either. The tv is hooked up to an X-box, a VCR and a DVD player so that my kids can watch movies or play games if they are stuck indoors - otherwise I want them to go out and DO something or make something. They actually READ and go outside and play - thier friends used to think I was weird - but they don't seem to mind coming over and hanging out at the fire pit or bringing thier instruments over and playing music on the front porch. My yard is full of teenagers, 4-wheelers, dirt bikes, and dogs.

    Sometimes I miss being able to watch the news, but figure I can get that by reading a couple of newspapers per day or on the internet. When my friends are discussing the latest episode of Desperate Housewives - I don't feel like I'm missing anything.
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