I want to know which church is it exactly where the Reverend Jesse Jackson preaches or pastors or ministers, all of which have different definitions and none of which he does, actually. And where he gets his money, and why he is always part of the problem and not the solution. Can I get an AMEN on that one? And after you answer that one, tell me the same about the most reverend Al Sharptongue. And why aren't there legitimate 'leaders' who are more like Dasher who has more good sense and style than both of those buffoons put together and multiplied by 5? the real answer, of course, is that it's all about division and race baiting and stirring up sh*t because that's what lines their pockets and makes them 'relevant'.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended I am awful sorry. Well, not really.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended I am awful sorry. Well, not really.
Personally, I thought Sharpton was good in the "Spelling Bee" excerpt on the Tony Awards. He's a natural because he's so theatrical anyway.....
Sharpton, on the other hand, was known as the "wonderboy preacher" as a child. He was a fuly ordained preacher by the age of 10 I think. It wasn't until he met-up with Jackson in '69 that he stepped down from the altar.
Both get their money on the speaking circuit. It is rumored that Jackson has, for a long time, skimmed from his many non-profits (the legitimacy of which are suspect). I heard Bill O'Reilly say that Jackson pays $10K/month in child support to his former mistress. This, on a reported $150,000 salary from Rainbow. To quote pOrK, "SOMETHING STINKS IN DA HOG HOUSE AND IT AINT HOG MANURE".
The woman in question was a mere contract worker, recruited and paid to simply hand out fans & shout AMEN! After she saw him put away six wings and two breasts, she felts compelled to offer him a thigh, as it were. The rest has been history, although rewritten several times.
Sharpton, on the other hand, was a back-stage groupie and set-up-hand of sorts, traveling with James Brown from '64 thru about '73. One season he was the 'cape man' who ran out and covered Brown during Please, Please, Please while JB took a knee. He married one of the James Brown singers, thus his 'stage' experience. Brown built him a pulpit out of a discarded coffin and somehow he came by a 'preaching credential paper' in the early 70s. He uses a combination of Brylcreme and Hog Lard #3 on his mullet.
For more information, read the book "Shakedown".
After the Twanna Brawley debacle, I thought Sharp would just slither away. No way, he's more arrogant and egotistical than ever.
The Jackson-Sharp tag team have one concept, let's stir the pot so that the truth evaporates and the bull**** becomes gospel.