Tour de Lance

It is happening again. Everyone in my family is watcing OLN daily in an attempt to keep up with Lance and his attempt to win #7. I must admit that I had forgotten what most of the different colored shirts stand for and how the scoring is done for so many different events.
Go Lance!!!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-08-05 AT 06:49AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I now know how football/baseball fanatics feel during their seasons. Each year I am totally caught up in the Tour de France and am so let down when it's over. Too bad there isn't more coverage of bicycle racing for the other races. But then again, I wouldn't get anything done. My grass and flowers are already brown and wilting because I have to watch the replay of the race rather than tending to the yard. Go Lance and Discovery Team.

    Edit: If you go to [url][/url] you can listen to live coverage right at your desk!
  • Did you see the crash last night? I was watching, hoping that hometown guy would pull it out. I don't understand all the scoring and why some riders got the same time as others because of the crash and some didn't. Still can't quite follow it.
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