Independence Day

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-28-05 AT 04:57PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Does anyone have travel or ‘big’ plans for Independence Day? I’m going to stay home and fire up the grill, drink a few barley pops and enjoy the time off. I’ll probably pick produce from the garden and other necessary duties but relaxation is number one on my agenda. I haven't had a day off so far this year with the exception of Sundays and some Saturdays.


  • 30 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • My big plans are to kick back, relax and sharpen my liberal edge by reading the works of Al Franken, John F. Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter, Robert F. Kennedy, Michael Moore, Barbra Streisand, Jane Fonda, and every other enlightened mind I can think of. x;-)

    No, seriously, I think I'll just kick back and relax. Skip the other stuff. Don't want Don to have a coronary. x;-)
  • I'm with you safety. Anyone trying to get out of the Valley heat must fight with gazillions of others trying to get out of the Valley heat. So I'm just going to stick with it. This has nothing to do with the fact that I have to work a few hours on Saturday for an employee drawing for a BRAND NEW MUSTANG - nothing at all.
  • I'm taking off Friday for a long weekend. No big plans. Having no plans is part of relaxing. I will grill at least twice but don't know when or what. I'll put the flags out, mow the grass one day, water the yard some. I'm also reworking my daughter's grill. It costs more to rework one than a new one costs. Happy Fourth!!
  • We'll go to church on Saturday, a party on Sunday at some friends' home and then on Monday we'll probably bring some salads and chips and head for the coast. We'll Arrive early, leave early before the crowds hit then we'll follow tradition and watch fireworks in Concord at the Memorial Field. Life is good!!!

    Cheryl C.
  • Okay, you're all gonna' envy me on this one. I'll be with the in-laws in Jacksonville, Fl. Ten of us in one house with a sofa-bed, a camper and three bedrooms. x:'(

    One bathroom, big kitchen, barking dog - well, there's one good day to look forward to - Disney World on July 5th. Guess I'll celebrate the weekend when we get back!
  • Sam, I'm very concerned. With a house that crowded will there be room for your supply of shoes?

    My son, daughter-in-law and 6 month old grandson whom I've seen only twice before will be visiting for a long weekend. I will spend as much time as possible with little Matthew. Let someone else fire up the grill.
  • I don't have the luxury of grandchildren yet; but, I would love to have them. If I did, I would never wait months to see one. I'd hitchhike or walk 300 miles to see him/her. I can't imagine the feeling of a fat, naked boy sitting on my belly while I kick back in my recliner, especially if he smiles and giggles. I hope I don't die before I get this thrill.
  • Don, why not drive or fly to see them some day? Walking 300 miles would just take too long.

    I don't have grandbabies yet either so I borrow them when I go to church. The little ones know I'm good for a hug, a smile, and piece of gum if they sit quietly during the sermon. I try to keep my home semi-childproof in case we get some little visitors.

    Cheryl C.
  • Actually Don, it was 2 months ago I saw little Matthew last and they live 500 miles away. I have 2 other grandkids locally I see all the time. Eat your heart out.
  • Taking Friday and next Tuesday off and heading to Somers Point, NJ for a long weekend. Actually, not leaving until Sat, and spending Friday painting the front door, transplanting flowers, and laying mulch. Oh, and clean the house so that when we return, it will be nice and tidy.
  • I'm heading to the Keys with some friends to go Scuba Diving and boating. I know it's rough but someone has to do it!! x:D

    I hope you all have a Safe and Happy 4th!!

  • I know what you mean about reworking a grill. I started wire brushing mine at 11:00 AM last Saturday and continued throughout the day, started in again at 7:00 AM on Sunday and finally gave a first coat of paint at 1:00PM. I had to heat the grill to fully cure the first coat and didn’t apply the second until Monday evening. I still have a third coat to go but will be complete for the holiday weekend.
  • While I would love to stay at home, I will instead be driving to St. Louis to visit my dad. The 6-hour drive is much easier in a 3-day weekend, and since I blew my whole 2 weeks worth of vacation in Hawaii a few weeks ago, I don't have many other options. Maybe I'll get to see the fireworks at the arch.
  • Hey Lorrie...I don't think anyone feels sorry for you after spending 2 weeks in Hawaii.

    What did you get to see? We'll be going there in September for 10 days.

    I wonder if we have any Forumites in Hawaii that I can meet...of course I'd document the visit well. x;-)

    Cheryl C.
  • Lorrie,
    Honk when you to through Kingdom City on I-70, we live 'bout 7 miles south. My better half has been working on her current honey-do list for a couple of weeks now. I hear it involves painting the boys bedrooms and shampooing carpets. Other than going to the Country Club Monday evening for the fireworks, guess we will try and stay home for this much needed and much appreciated long weekend.
    Happy 4th to all.
  • Stay home - it's not a good idea to get on the freeways on holidays - they become miles of parking lots. We decided this in 1983 on our first, and last, trip out of town on a holiday.
  • My parents are coming for a special visit to see my first new home. I've been painting, hanging, and buying appliances, furniture, etc. since March. My new condo is also in close proximity to Albuquerque's (hot air) Balloon Field. Since I moved in I have had the pleasure approx. one weekend a month of having those huge colorful balloons in the sky outside my bedroom window and sometimes landing in the still-empty lot a block over. (Even the cats have learned to share the window and look up when they hear the burners.) We will also have a wonderful view of the City fireworks display - without leaving home and the fun of traffic and parking! The goal is peaceful relaxation.
  • my husband and I are taking our two oldest grandchildren, boy cousins aged 10 and 12, and going away for the weekend. We are going to try to get to NASA and (hopefully) see Mars at its closest, and find out more about the ramming of the comet. Or we might head up into east Texas and ride the steam locomotive. Of course, a motel with a great swimming pool is on the top of their list. You all who don't have grandchildren yet have wonderful things in store for you!!

    Wishing you all a safe and happy fourth.

  • I prefer to stay home on these 3 day weekends...but since the arrival of the baby--we make the trip back to my home (Pittsburgh) more frequently...and as it's been said 3-day weekends are just easier....

    we'll cook out...visit with family...and enjoy the quiet!

  • I'll be on my way to Georgia to pick up two new Yorkie puppies. I'll spend the weekend with my new furkids!
  • HRLASS, if you see one that has loons on the canopy I'll be riding in it in August here.
  • We are going to stick around home, work some in the flower garden, which is one of my favorite things to do. We plan to golf early Sunday morning as it's supposed to be in the upper 90's. Monday, we have a family cook out with siblings, kids and grandkids.
    Have a safe weekend and say a special thanks to our troops around the world fighting for our safety.
  • We stayed on Maui. 5 nights in Kaanapali and 5 nights in Kihei. If you're going to Maui and have never been there before, I'd be happy to tell you what we thought.
  • This summer is all tied up with house renovating. This weekend will involve taking down all the window coverings as the windows and sliders are all being replaced starting 7/5.

    Next the floors - ripping it all up and replacing with Brazillian Cherry Hardwood and tile. It will look great.

    Our house looks like a war-zone right now.
  • I'm always leerie of people who always have a camera in hand.
  • "I've been painting, hanging and buying appliances, furniture, etc."

    I want to know how and why HRLASS is hanging appliances in her new home. I know I'm conservative and old fashioned, but.......
  • Ok, maybe the punctuation led you astray. I have been painting, hanging artwork, putting up fixtures, assembling shelve units, buying refrigerator, washer, dryer, etc., and buying a new sofa sleeper and patio furniture. Better?

    KS - re the balloon ride in August. If you've never had one, enjoy! I was a certified crew member for 12 years flying both competition and special shapes and was fortunate to have many flights. They're wonderful!
  • I can use the excuse of age-diminished memory...

    Cheryl C.
  • But G, you're supposed to start early and return most of the traffic jams. Oh wait, you're talking about CA traffic...never mind.
  • Don, puleeze, haven't you heard about those new-fangled toasters, microwaves and stereos for the kitchen? The get hung under the upper cabinets.

    My husband asked me if I wanted a dvd/tv combo for mine...could make me want to spend more time cooking...NOT.

    Cheryl C.
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