Sheets Byrd

I invite any of my liberal friends among us to defend the history and positions of Robert Byrd, Democrat, West Virginia. How dare an ex-grand dragon (or grand whataever) of the Ku Klux Klan sit there in pampers and in his usual pompous, halting and theatrical manner attack The Secretary of Defense, a man who has committed most of his adult life to the protection and defense of our country, even if you do disagree with his strategy.
A senior member and spokesperson for the Democrat Party, who spent all of his life from age 20 to 40 recruiting and orienting members into the hooded, cowardly group of dastardly, non-humans who regularly lynched blacks and burned them out and kept them from occupying any position of equality in America.
It is beyond disbelievable that this pompous rat could sit there, smug, in his $500 suit, lambasting a man of Rumsfelt's character and experience.
But, Robert Byrd is selling a book and he says he is a person plagued by youthful indiscretion. Age 40, recruiting those who would lynch minorities? Indiscretion?
Now, watch this thread turn into an attack on Republicans.
We can elect new leaders, but we cannot unelect Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. Can we? And the evil he did will last, perhaps, forever.
I invite you to watch this thread swivel 180 degrees to an attack on Republicans, a lambasting of the President, snide remarks about my state, hollow assertions about what some conservative might have said or done; anything but commentary or defense of this Democrat non-human who hid under a sheet. Anything but continued discussion of this man's history. Talk about due apologies!
But, Parabeagle, Gillian3, HRLass, Whatever and a few more liberals will turn this discussion into a commentary on Bush, Conservative ills, Republican missteps and the way Rumsfeld moves his eyes.
God (if I'm still allowed to say that on the Forum) help us all.
A senior member and spokesperson for the Democrat Party, who spent all of his life from age 20 to 40 recruiting and orienting members into the hooded, cowardly group of dastardly, non-humans who regularly lynched blacks and burned them out and kept them from occupying any position of equality in America.
It is beyond disbelievable that this pompous rat could sit there, smug, in his $500 suit, lambasting a man of Rumsfelt's character and experience.
But, Robert Byrd is selling a book and he says he is a person plagued by youthful indiscretion. Age 40, recruiting those who would lynch minorities? Indiscretion?
Now, watch this thread turn into an attack on Republicans.
We can elect new leaders, but we cannot unelect Democrat Senator Robert Byrd. Can we? And the evil he did will last, perhaps, forever.
I invite you to watch this thread swivel 180 degrees to an attack on Republicans, a lambasting of the President, snide remarks about my state, hollow assertions about what some conservative might have said or done; anything but commentary or defense of this Democrat non-human who hid under a sheet. Anything but continued discussion of this man's history. Talk about due apologies!
But, Parabeagle, Gillian3, HRLass, Whatever and a few more liberals will turn this discussion into a commentary on Bush, Conservative ills, Republican missteps and the way Rumsfeld moves his eyes.
God (if I'm still allowed to say that on the Forum) help us all.
Cheryl C.
Cheryl C.
What's amazing is West Virginians have sent Byrd back to Washington election after election. What does that say about them?
What West Virginians loved about Byrd was that he pumped and pumped and pumped so much money into the state. That is the main reason, if not the only one, that kept him in his position term after term.
I am a staunch republican and wholly support threads posted by certain forumites. They mirror my own thoughts and arguments but are more eloquently stated than ever I could post.
On that note, have a safe and happy Fourth of July holiday! Go Red, White and Blue!
I love West Virginia, it's beautiful and wild, the people of the state are friendly and hardworking whenever work is available, but Senator Byrd, in my opinion, is a self-promoting jackass. Youthful indescretion, as term, should be reserved for things like filtching apples - sneaking a smoke or a swig off a flask at prom, it should not be used to describe supporting and promoting murderous hate crimes.
I can recall actually hating Senator Byrd and all he stood for -- as I understood it -- during my growing up days in the segregated south. He was what we called a Dixiecrat (as opposed to a Democrat) and held extreme views. He was a KKK member and belonged to the "Good Ole Boy" network. I was a Black Panther encourager, if not member.
I have grown and some of my views have changed almost 360 degrees. What if someone else has also? What if some of the experiences we had in our past actually resulted in a change of mind or heart?
So now that I am older and wiser, I try very hard to look at the present actions of others and let their past temper (but not overide) my view of them. Personally, I have seen growth in Senator Byrd as exemplified in comments and positions he has made and taken during the last few decades. He appears to me to be genuine.
And since I am expected to steal this thread, please let me know why Honest??Tom Delay is still in a position of leadership.
Democrats were up in arms, screaming and hollering 'OFF WITH HIS HEAD!' But an admitted 20 year Grand Fubop of the White Nights gets a pass since he's past his prime and might have changed.
Well, I say he should be required to bus tables in a minority owned bar-b-que joint in the middle of Alabama for the rest of his life. And take a leak out behind the establishment.
I am beginning to see how things work in politics, though.
I didn't feel like rising to the bait immediately, and as others have spoken so well, I second others:
"Gotta be honest - don't know anything about the man, so I can't really respond with anything constructive." I'll skip the beer - I'm going to have a marguerita with my dinner - it's my birthday.
"Each party has someone in its ranks that isn't a good fit, but keeps showing up anyway."
"No defense of Robert Byrd. I am just glad he doesn't represent me." And why is Tom Delay in the Senate at all - let alone in a position of leadership? What is that ethics committee thinking?
Re Byrd - I have seen and heard of various members of the KKK, "past indiscretions" and current advocates, embraced by various factions of both parties and it makes me sick. No one party has distinction on that score.
Have a nice day! x:*
(Gillian3 - sorry I spelled your "name" wrong!)
God will have to forgive him for his Klan activities.......I won't.
We will never know the truth of what atrocities happened because of his time with the KKK whether he committed them or facilitated them by being a member of that organization.
For those who don't know about him because he doesn't represent your state, I would strongly suggest that you learn about him - unfortunately to many in the world, he does represent our country.
He should be barred from Congress by any possible action.