Speaking of Senate Apologies

In an effort to hawk his new book, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, West Virginia, has come out with a statement bemoaning his KKK membership while he was in his 20s. He blames it on 'youthful indescretion'. His participation and successful recruitment of others into the Klan was the one thing most instrumental in his decision to seek political office. The Grand Whatever told young Robert that he was a natural and the country needed him in politics because he had recruited so many into the Klan. Thus he became one of the most rambling elocutionists the Senate has ever known and still continues in that role today (if he can keep on track of what his sentence is about).
Maybe the State of West Virginia should apologize. Maybe the whole of the Byrd family should. Maybe he should have 30, 20, 10 years ago when it would have been more timely and perhaps more meaningful and could have perhaps affected his career. It's interesting he 'apologizes' only now that his book has hit the shelves. Of course his apology today can't affect his career since he won't run again. But, it should quardruple his income.
How does this measure up to Trent Lott's remark that 'we might have been better off had we elected Strom Thurmond'?
Now you know why the talk show hosts refer to the good senator from VA as 'Sheets Byrd'.
Maybe the State of West Virginia should apologize. Maybe the whole of the Byrd family should. Maybe he should have 30, 20, 10 years ago when it would have been more timely and perhaps more meaningful and could have perhaps affected his career. It's interesting he 'apologizes' only now that his book has hit the shelves. Of course his apology today can't affect his career since he won't run again. But, it should quardruple his income.
How does this measure up to Trent Lott's remark that 'we might have been better off had we elected Strom Thurmond'?
Now you know why the talk show hosts refer to the good senator from VA as 'Sheets Byrd'.
Edit: WV did vote for Bush during the last two elections, so at least we got that right!