Mississippians Brace for Civil-Rights Trial

I find it appalling that the state of MS waits 38 years to re-file murder charges against Edgar Ray Killen. What in the world do they hope to accomplish?

- Show the world that they are above-board in dilligently investigating and prosecuting hate crimes and civil rights violations? HA!

- Bring closure to the victims' families? HA!

- Attempt to bring little old Philadelphia and the rest of Neshoba County, MS together to sing Kumbaya? HA!

In my opinion, this is a slap on the face of the entire judicial system and the civil rights movement in America. It is nothing more than a token move for whatever hidden agenda lies behind it.

Expect the biggest circus there since the Shriners'.



  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • "What in the world do they hope to accomplish?"

    It's called P O L I T I C S. We also just exhumed the body of a Chicago boy who was killed here in 1954. All the players are dead as far as I know; but, somebody will go on trial for this one too. It's all about the furtherance of political careers, film rights and book deals. All that's required is a (Democrat) County District Attorney or (Democrat) State Attorney General who has visions of grandeur. It's nothing new and has been going on in Mississippi for years and years. Look for the book.

  • Well the two guys that were tried and found innocent later admitted to a magazine writer that they were guilty. But, due to the protection of the double jeopardy law, they could not be prosecuted again. Apparently, someone smells a conspiracy theory and wants to delve deeper.
  • Ray is right. They could not be tried again in state court for the same crime - that's why federal charges of violating someone's civil rights or conspiracy to violate someone's civil rights are brought in cases like this.

    Just to play devil's advocate for a moment -

    1. There is no statute of limitations on murder, so you could say the prosecution is being diligent - when presented with new evidence, they act appropriately.

    2. You will also notice we did not stop going after fugitive Nazis after the war ended - we and the Israelis were hunting them down for decades afterward. Why would we stop going after murderers of any kind if we have information that could lead to a conviction?
  • There was no new evidence. This guy beat a jury 11-1 in 1967 to a single vote by a woman who claimed she "could never vote to convict a preacher". You mean to tell me that it takes prosecutors four decades to seat a grand jury willing to indict someone that damn near got convicted given the much more favorable conditions back then? I don't think so.

  • You're right, TN. I just read the MSNBC story and saw no mention of new evidence. However, this trial is being pursued in state court. If Mississippi was so all-fired interested in justice in 1967, why didn't they move to try him at the state level rather than leaving it to the feds to try him? I'll tell you why. The state found it distasteful (if not insulting) to prosecute a native son for doing what the Sovereignty Commission wanted.

    Seems like it's only been within the last couple of decades that the South has been able to own up to its role in denying civil rights to African Americans.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-13-05 AT 02:39PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Jumping through your ass with another erroneous conclusion. African Americans? Check the paper once more and you'll find that of the three yanks, two were white, both were Jewish (Schwerner, Goodman). Watch that broad-brush.

    "why didn't they move to try him at the state level rather than leaving it to the feds to try him? I'll tell you why. The state found it distasteful (if not insulting) to prosecute a native son." Wrong on that count too Beagle. In 1965, state jurisdictions didn't pull rank on the Justice Department or the FBI. The trial decision was decided in Washington D.C. by Lyndon Johnson's Justice Department.

    You're right Ray; they will 'have to dig a little deeper' on the Emmitt Till 1954 murder. Six feet deeper to be exact. The gentlemen are dead and decayed now, notwithstanding what they told Look Magazine 50 years ago.

    Having lived here all my life and watched this kind of crap closely for the past ten years, I can tell you it all has nothing to do with 'The state of Mississippi owning up to' past acts. And even if so, 'The State of Mississippi' didn't kill and bury anybody. But, I can see how the peanut gallery in left field (Oregon) can reach such remote conclusions. It's about as accurate as me commenting on Portland's weather however.

    BTW, MS ETV will cover portions live with a feed being sold to Court TV. To the defense's dismay, today, as jury selection got underway, representatives from the Alabama KKK showed up on the courthouse lawn. Just what we need. You remote 'judges' will be interested to know the defense attorney told the news media that the Klan should crawl back under the rock they came out from under. As I said, look for the book and the movie. WATCH THE MONEY TRAIL.

    Gene, have you replaced ParasailBeagle as chief instigator now? He's the master, so watch him closely and you'll do well. x:-)
  • Very true, Livin. I never said the victims were African Americans. However, they were killed precisely because they were down there on a voter registration drive aimed at African Americans.

    And I'm sure the feds trumped the state of Mississippi. I don't even pretend to know what happened down there because I was only 10 years old at the time and living in Oregon. But I'll bet the state didn't jump on their State's Rights platform to demand the right to try them at the local level.
  • You'll 'bet' this and 'you're sure' of that. Maybe you should reread or (better yet) edit your own post. This is not about civil rights. This is a murder trial about the killing of three individuals. Two were white Jews. There is no charge of civil rights violations as whites and Jews are not and were not protected groups, although you can now run whatever correlations you wish to make your point. I was in high school at the time and have no dog in the hunt. You know absolutely nothing about it other than what you read in some left-wing Oregonian journal or saw on PMSnbc. Let's shift your broad-brush painting project to today's revelation that people were hanged in northern states and the congressional apology. People like you who hold this 'haughty' judgemental opinion while overlooking the snakes in your own closet say more about you than they do about me. But I will try to imagine your comfort level as you sit in judgement feeling the breeze against your ass coming from the south of you, the state of Mexifornia. Now you may email Raymond. Have a blessed day, as PoRk would sAy.
  • I don't stand in judgment of the South. Oregon has had its share of lynchings. I remember my father telling me of a time when African Americans were more than welcome to work in Portland, but by sundown they had better be across the river in Vancouver, Washington or else...

    I remember hearing a real estate agent telling my parents that he was selling a new house to us because the only other viable bidders were African Americans and "it wouldn't be good for the neighborhood, you know."

    In the 1920s, Oregon had one of the most active Klan organizations in the country. It was rumored that Oregon's governor at the time was actually a Klan sympathizer.

    No, I just think the South has been a little slower to embrace civil rights than the northern states. That's all.
  • No, Don. You are as guilty of broad-brushing as anyone, particularly with your "mexifornia" pejorative, but that is my perspective since I live here and know that there are as many diverse opinions here as elsewhere. I don't remember any forum member using Mississippi pejoratives, assuming that they can be found.

    This is the final paragraph in the newpaper article that I read about the attempts to pass anti-lynching bills. "But the Senate, with Southern conservatives wielding filibuster powers, refused to act. With enactment of civil rights laws in the 1960's and changes in national attitudes, the issue faded away".

    Those Southern conservatives were Democrats, which shows that labels mean nothing, but what is inside does.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-15-05 AT 06:13AM (CST)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-14-05 AT 12:20 PM (CST)[/font]

    Parabeagle again steps in it. He says 'The South has been slow to embrace civil rights...'. Not only does he have no clue, he is factually wrong. The State of Mississippi has more black elected officials per capita than any other state in the United States of America and we have had this designation for at least seven years. Our schools were integrated well before those in several northern states. Busses, hotels and lunch counters, bitter points of contention in the 50s, were integrated in the South long before similar integration in several states not in the South. The segregation that has continued and still exists in many, many northern cities lags way far behind the integration of Southern neighborhoods. Blacks and whites have belonged to the same college fraternities in the South for at least 30 years which cannot be said of most northern schools or western for that matter. It's time to let your old myths go and see some light. Quit listening to CNN and reading Look and Life and flip off the liberal radio programs. If you can't speak in facts, at least shut up. x:-)

    (edit) Gillian3 doesn't like this sort of post because it contains truth and facts. Liberals tend to speak in platitudes, assumptions, wrong-headed conclusions and emotion-based commentary filled with elusive and slippery, unprovable suggestions intended to incite and mislead. Oh, but can't we just all hold hands and get along and rid the planet of these wascally wepublicans? x:-)
  • Just a simple question. Why is it that Parabeagle should not comment about what has happened in the South - he is not an expert after all - while you can comment ad infinitum about the deficiencies you see about other parts of the country, about which you know nothing.

    I do have a suggestion. Reread the posts from last week. No regional knocks, or defensiveness. No personal assertions. No reference to the liberal democrats. In fact, the only post which was close to political was about translation. While there were divergent opinions, they were stated in a matter of fact way containing nothing about the wrongness of those who think differently and certainly nothing personal. Refreshing! Join?
  • May the offline discussion begin!

    PS I really just wanted the gong to ring on this one. It's starting to get good.
  • If you find that I mistated a fact in one of my posts on this thread please kindly point it out. Other than my continued jab about the left coast and Mexifornia, I do not think you will be able to show me one thing that I inaccurately posted. Whereas parachutebeagle has continued to make statements about which he know nothing and which are either false or off the mark. When you find that incorrect statement I made, let me know. In the meanwhile, no I will never stop pointing out to both of you when you make an inaccurate statement about the South. You may do the same if you wish when I mistate something about your region. And if I feel a comment about liberal democrats is in order, I will so state it. If the truth stings that mightily, perhaps you should flip off your screen.
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