Superhero Interview Question

A question that was asked of me once and I still like to ask others in turn..."If you could be any superhero or villian from comic books or video games, who would you be and why?"
With that question to the forum, I will leave it to you to answer or not -
With that question to the forum, I will leave it to you to answer or not -
Or Isis. Remember that short-lived Saturday morning live action show that was going on about the same time Greatest American Hero was airing?
Isn't that sort of like being granted three wishes? My first wish was always to have all my wishes come true.
Pre 60's, and occasionally since then, would be Green Lantern who had a mystical ring that gave him special powers that was recharged when he touched it to the lantern he was named for. More "super powers" than Green Hornet who was pretty much a vigilante batman-type of guy. The Lantern was super discerning as well as strong. Green Lantern also had a much more colorful costume - it had yellow, purple, and a touch of red I think, in addition to the emerald green.
Note: I don't remember the green hornet or green lantern? If the cartoon was in black and white x:D then how did you know the superhero was indeed green?x}>