Memorial Day in Mayberry

The festival and parade centered around the courthouse square. The town's tallest building of three floors of bricks topped by a white clock tower standing at it's center, the parade included a replica of Andy Taylor's sheriff's cruiser, characters dressed as Andy, Aunt Bea, Opie, Goober, Howard, Barney and Otis are all there alongside the beauty queens in pastel suits with matching hats and white gloves waving from atop tissue paper floats. The local chapter of the Red Hat Society sipping iced tea on a flatbed truck, high school marching bands, military honor guards and drill teams, flowers everywhere. Members of the local VFW in their remnants of uniforms, some shuffling, some stooped... but proud to march. Town citizens dressed up in their Sunday clothes to watch a parade that began and ended at the cemetery on the hill. Grills churning out dogs and brats, burgers and ribs. Kids running through lawn sprinklers, sunburn, garden dirt, lemonade. A telephone call from Iraq. Memorial Day.