Memorial Day Screw-Up

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-30-05 AT 04:45PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appeared today at the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in D.C. Here is a U.S.Army (edit: sorry, Air Force) General wearing a shirt made out of an American flag. This was so stupidly tacky and unpatriotic. I can't imagine who suggested to him that he do that. I suppose he thought it looked cool. Missing was his U.S.Flag do-rag. Even the old 55-60 year old dudes on Harleys had more respect for the flag than that.
He reminded me of Kid Rock at the Super Bowl in similar garb.
He reminded me of Kid Rock at the Super Bowl in similar garb.
Until you personally watch your friends get loaded unto C-141 cargo aircraft in flag-draped caskets you never truly get to appreciate the things that our flag symbolizes.
I'm even MORE surprised that an issue has not been made of it by the media yet...
However, having said that, I do really like my American flag necktie. x:-)
The first thing that flashed through my mind when I saw Gen. Myers in that shirt is "he doesn't look anything like Abbe Hoffman." x;-)