Needing A Template

Started at daylight and finished up about 4:00 p.m. Laid two pallets of St. Augustine sod, burned a ton of limbs and watered the new grass. I noticed half way through the day that a wheelbarrow has no can-holder. I sold my old Craftsman riding mower last month and bought a new one and the only reason was that it had a can holder on the rear wheel-well. So, my question is; is there an entrepreneur out there or forumite who has a template or suggestion for a can-holder on a wheelbarrow? It makes no sense to work in the yard and not have a can holder. x:-)
Edit: Then you'll have a screw loose
My can holder is the back bumper of the pick-up. The yard's not that big so it's always relatively close. Kathy
Check your local Babies-R-Us in the stroller section.
Far as cup holders go - you can get a belted "holster" that rides low on the hips that will hold an insulated bottle or flask. Stays out of the way and is always in reach. Also holds sheath for knife, pruners, etc. Think "Batman's utility belt"...Holy Budweiser, Batman!