Reports of blindness in men using Viagra

It's not a joke, here's a link.
This will give the night-time comedians punch lines for weeks.
This serves as warning for some of you and you know who you are.
I guess you could always poke your way around.
This will give the night-time comedians punch lines for weeks.
This serves as warning for some of you and you know who you are.
I guess you could always poke your way around.
...not that I would ever use such a drug, of course... x;-)
I'm sure you're right. That's all some of you probably do anyway........x:-)
In the 40s I'm told that a popular belief was that masturbation would make you go blind. That's probably why they sold those red tipped walking canes right next to the Playboy rack.
p.s. I may have used that one already in the 4-hour erection thread. If so, I apologize.