Here's one for you, Judy

Since marc and I opened the door and these are some of my favorite jokes, here's another one: The judge had just awarded a divorce to Lena who had charged Ole with non-support. The judge said to Ole: "I have decided to give your wife $400 a month for support." "Vell, dat's fine, judge." said Ole. "And vunce in a vhile I'll try to chip in a few bucks myself."
She asked "Is it my eyes?"
"No, Lena, it is not your eyes," says Ole.
"OK" she says, "Is it my hair?"
Ole replies, "No, Lena, it is not your hair."
"Well then Ole, is it my full figure?"
"No Lena, it is not your figure."
"Oh Ole, I give up!" said Lena.
"That's it!" said Ole.
Ole brings the plane down and as soon as they touch the runway, Ole slams on the breaks, but alas they go off the other end of the runway and into the trees. Ole says,"I knew the runway was too short". Lena says, "Yeah Ole, but talk about wide!!!"