Will Rogers

In the event there may be one or two of you who are interested: my run as Will Rogers is, sadly, over. We played to a nearly packed house all three performances, and got standing O's each time. The wonderful lady who played Will's wife Betty Blake, had a very bluesy number near the end of the show that she just flat rocked in the last performance. I was waiting in the wing to go back on and told the stage director there was no way I was going back onstage after what she had just done. Of course I had to, but now I am missing ol Will and the rest of the cast as well. Withdrawal. If I can find someone who took a picture worth posting, I shall. Thanks to those of you who inquired and encouraged. If anyone does this show near you, please attend, it is a magnificient show, and I guarantee it will strike an emotional chord somewhere in your soul.


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