
Hey Ray?? Yohooooooooooo. Where are you. Why are you ignoring us?
There's no one picking on me. Sigh. Even Don is not as proficient as you can be. Beaglepuss is rather tame now; no bad twin to relate to. Groan.
Come on sweetie, lets hear from you. (Sob) (Sniffle)
There's no one picking on me. Sigh. Even Don is not as proficient as you can be. Beaglepuss is rather tame now; no bad twin to relate to. Groan.
Come on sweetie, lets hear from you. (Sob) (Sniffle)
I am the kinder, gentler version of Parabeagle. I will avoid all controversy, strive to remain as vanilla as possible and make a home on the fence.
But I am concerned about Ray - maybe his subscription lapsed? Ray! Let us know where you are! I'll send a check.
"strive to remain as vanilla as possible"
What the heck does that mean?
You can change your name, but I do not think I can perceive you as vanilla. If I had to give you a flavor, it would be more of a pistachio.
A 'vanilla' parabeagle2x3 is like a kinder, gentler version of Algore. But, back to the sleuthing. This 'Where's Ray' thread has me trying to recall the last time he got stuff stirred up. I got a personal email from him saying he was disappearing; but, I didn't know that meant from The Forum too. Maybe it's a 'witness protection' thing.
Is that akin to being put out to pasture?
I know, I know, we can make it very lucrative by advertising, "Dead or Alive". At least the mystery would be solved.
Hey, I wonder, is he dead or alive?
And, Beagpuss, the jacket is b-l-a-c-k, black ya hear?