Tax Delinquents

On NPR this morning I heard a story about a town with a unique way of getting tax delinquents to pay up. They send drummers to play outside their home causing a racket that will irritate them and the neighbors. When they pay up, the drumming stops. Hey Safety, need a 2nd job?


  • 22 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Imagine how many drummers they'd need in a big city like NY. But, then there'd probably be a few drive-by shootings and that would take care of the drummers.
  • In NY we don't have tax delingquents because all their money is in off-shore accounts.
  • I'd get some really good ear plugs, and wait for my neighbors to pay my tax!
  • everyday we find new uses for public embarressment and peer pressure!

    In Harrisburg, the mayor uses a similar tactic with slum lords...they are given so many warnings and all that...and then their name and address is posted in front of the slummy buildings...the landlords don't much like it...but it has improved some of the most run-down sections of the city....

  • Speaking of taxes, they are trying to pass a law in Texas to tax junk food, chips/candy/etc., to pay for school reform and? keep our property taxes from going unbelievably higher than they already are. We are home to Frito Lay and they aren't at all happy, and the junk food junkies think if they tax junk they should tax the caviar crowd. I personally think this is ridiculous cause the kids will be paying so much of the tax and this sounds discriminatory against the "obese" members of society. I've read this has failed in other states and it will most likely fail here.
  • The true conundrum in all of this is that a fellow who purports to being a conservative, regularly listens to NPR in the first place. But, this is a charming story.
  • Why listen to NPR? To "know thine enemy". If you don't listen to what the other side is saying, how can you be properly prepared? My question is why not use bass trombones or tubas to serenade the delinquents? Answer - that would be cruel and unusual punishment.
  • Bologna Ray, a bass trombone and or tuba both can enhance a good drum beat or visa versa.:oo
  • Ray, your reference to "cruel and unusual punishment" as it relates to the trombone makes me believe that, at least, listening to a higher class of broadcast journalism has increased your understanding of constitutional law. x}>
  • Hey Whirlwind, why you picking on me. I admit to listening to NPR. Pick on Don, he's the one who thinks it a waste of time. Bass trombonists have never been accused of being high class. We are one of the more raucous members of an orchestra.
  • Aw shucks,'s only because you're my Secret Trombone Hero. As for Don, I don't believe in kicking a man (in the knee) when's he down. Don: Feel better! Ray: Practice, practice, practice in preparation for that day in the future when all Forumites will convene in an undisclosed location and you will be the featured musical interlude.
  • p.s. Thanks for that quick trip to upstate NY I got from responding to your post. There for a minute I almost thought I saw one of my ex-inlaws coming over the hill in a snowmobile.
  • Don't tell Slogan I'm your Trombone Hero, he plays trombone too. But, just one of those wimpy tenors.
  • Here in Minnesota, if you don't pay your taxes, you are arrested, blindfolded, and dropped off in Oskalooska,Iowa with a new identity.
  • Thanks for getting this discussion back on track, Larry. I was dozing off with the libs and pseudo libs meandering back and forth about ummm pah pahs and bleats while they ignored this giant tax ripoff of NPR. x:-)
  • NPR - isn't that National Propaganda (of) Republicans? I thought for sure it was.
  • You know exactly what NPR is Raymond. And you also know that the public should not be funding radio. This post brings you out of the closet. x:-)
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-12-05 AT 03:25PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Let's see, I am opposed to abortion and gay marriage. I like Bush's idea of SS reform, I supported Bush's tax cuts to all Americans. Being on the board of directors of the local Chamber of Commerce, I support business. I would not allow my kids to attend public school and believe school vouchers is a good thing - kids should be allowed to have religious clubs and associations in schools. Looking at a typical national Democratic Party platform, there is usually nothing I can support. I am opposed to the legalization of marijuana. I support one's right to own firearms.

    I find it extremely irritating when my speech as an evangelical Christian is stifled by the government (for example, declaming homosexuality sinful behavior can be considered hate speech and considered illegal behavior) but, a so-called artist can produce a "work of art" that I consider offensive (a la Maplethorpe) and it is not only condoned and defended by the government but is financed by the government. Years past many artists, both visual and aural, were financed by governments - Bach was not only a church musician but a court composer for the king also. Our cultural heritage may have been much poorer if not for government funding of the arts. But, society is much different today. Society though purporting to be more open is in truth more closed. Those who clamor for free speech (supporters of Ward Churchill) loudly drown out those who oppose them. Too often government supports those with a humanistic world view who try to stifle those with a Biblical world view. Used to be the arts thrived because of the Church, now the arts seem to be the enemy of the Church.

    NPR leans to the left. They sometimes honor those who are philosophically my opposite. They sometimes vilify those who agree with me. I sometimes turn it off mid story either in disgust or from lack of interest. But, there are some bright spots like Frank Deford's weekly talk on the sports scene speaking as the Sports Curmudgeon. If brought to a vote, I would vote to stop government financial support of NPR and make it sink or swim on its own in the marketplace.

    So Don, after that diatribe, tell me which closet did I come out of?
  • The "Someone else posted this for you" closet. This is not at all the shy and retiring wallflower of an unopinionated, quiet guy we all know as Raymond of NY. Did you dash into a phone booth prior to that post?

    You left out the utility companies and those conspiratorial supermarket scanners. Public schools too? Gosh.
  • I have a windmill in the backyard and grow my own food.
  • Tell me the name of the scope on your rifle and I'll relax and quit worrying about you.
  • Carl Zeiss Conquest Rifle Scope, model 3-9*40
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