Tamera Luzzatto

I watched this woman for thirty excruciating minutes this morning on C-SPAN just trying to give her a fair opportunity to make some sort of impression on me one way or the other. I can't decide which was more painful, my knee or watching this woman. Non-stop idiotic, bombastic babble. A wind-up witch of a winch that made no point and even less sense. Where do our politicians find these people, I wondered, watching her. For 30 minutes there was no pause in her speech, no period at the end of any sentence other than her insertion of the occasional, grating, ahhhmmm. She was followed by Jerrold Nadler, D-NY, which reminded me I needed to make my way to the bathroom. I noticed that his head is roughly half the size it was when I last saw him. He's dieting. He belongs to either Ray or Whatever.

Your assignment for today is (1) find out who Luzzatto is, and (2) no matter the pain; force yourself to watch/listen to her for 5 minutes and report back.


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