Lawyers - per W. Rogers

Since we seem to be controversy-less these last few days: While preparing for my gig as Will Rogers I thought you might all appreciate what he had to say about lawyers. From the play, Will Rogers Follies:.....Then we had that 'monkey trial down in Tennessee to prove man descended from Apes. I never believed that. Nope. I never met an ape who was devious, heartless and greedy. I always figured man descended from lawyers.
OK everybody, keep in mind he was a humorist.
OK everybody, keep in mind he was a humorist.
Took the family to Savannah over the July 4th holiday last year. I am a big history nut and had finished reading a series of historical fiction novels by Eugena Price on Savannah. I learned on the historic city tour that there were four vices that were not allowed in Savannah when it was founded by Oglethorpe. First, no Catholics. Savanaah was the most southern English colony, with Florida being controlled by the Spanish, who were predominantly Catholics. I guess they did not anyone that would sympathize with the Spanish.
Secondly, no slaves - it was a paupers colony and Oglethorpe believed that no one should own someone else.
The third, no hard liquor. If you could not afford to pay your debts, you did not ave money to drink. Only beer (and the wine tha Oglethorpe liked to drink) was allowed in the colony.
Lastly, no lawyers. Oglethorpe had a friend that went bankrupt, hired a lawyer, and ended up in debtors' prison. If you needed representation, ask your neighbor!