Speaking of Social Security

Without getting into the political aspects of it (if that's possible), if you had the choice when you started a new job, would you opt to put some of your Social Security tax into a 'private' account where you had several investment options, or would you choose to just keep paying into the present system?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I would put some into a private account and at my "advanced" age, I would select relatively safe investments, but at least try to do better than what the current system pays. If I were younger, I would be more agressive.
  • I would opt for private accounts. Even if you take an agressive track with your portfolio, in the end I would suspect that the long term performance would definitely surpass what the government would give you. Plus, if anything happened, there would be single line accoountability. I support this idea and at my age, I wuls still benefit from being able to transfer a portion of my benefits. I definitely believe I am more concerned abut the end result of my benefits than the government is!
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