Social Security

Well, it seems a bit strange to have reached this stage of life, but yesterday I had an appointment to apply for Medicare (April) and SS (October). I'm glad though, 38 years of HR is enough and "life after" beckons and beckons more each day. Anyway, back to SS. Talk about efficient. I called the 800 number a few weeks ago and the first thing that happened was a message that said that Monday and Tuesday were their busiest days, so if it wasn't an emergency call back some other day. I hung up and called on a Wednesday and was talking to a real person in less than 3 minutes. She made an appointment for me at the local SS office, 2:30 yesterday afternoon and told me what documents to take. The next day I got confirmation in the mail. So, I went yesterday for my appointment and was talking to another real person in a private office at 2:40. She took and copied my documents, said I would have my Medicare documents within a month and told me that all I had to do to kick of SS in October was to make a phone call a few ahead of time - gave me the number, as well.
What was real impressive though is the Optional Pass Through Disbursement Program. As we all know, there are three working people who pay taxes for every beneficiary. This program allows a beneficiary to designate up to three people whose tax payments will pass directly into the beneficiaries account. It's kind of like a debit system and since the payments don't actually go into the SS Trust Fund, the fund is actually a little lower than the government says. I think it's a republican plot to make SS look worse than it really is. I know that FICA taxes are based on salary, somewhat correlated with performance, so I know that it won't be much, but it's the thought that counts, so - thank you, Don.
What was real impressive though is the Optional Pass Through Disbursement Program. As we all know, there are three working people who pay taxes for every beneficiary. This program allows a beneficiary to designate up to three people whose tax payments will pass directly into the beneficiaries account. It's kind of like a debit system and since the payments don't actually go into the SS Trust Fund, the fund is actually a little lower than the government says. I think it's a republican plot to make SS look worse than it really is. I know that FICA taxes are based on salary, somewhat correlated with performance, so I know that it won't be much, but it's the thought that counts, so - thank you, Don.
It's bad enough you tell us you are retiring to live in a grass hut in Mexico, but then you create an illusion of prosperity. Bad, bad boy.
Wait'll ya see my place thanks to GatesBuffJobs!
>don't remember any grass huts around Tijuana but
>I'll let you know if there are any.
Ahhh...Tijuana home of the zebra donkey...such fond memories...and great tequila. Have fun, I wish I was with you. I'm sick of snow and snow shovels and snow plows. What did that damn groundhog say...6 more weeks of winter? I'm beginning to hate him too.