Terminating a Friend - Update

Some of you may remember that about a year ago I sought some advice from the Forumites on how to handle one of the most difficult terminations I've ever conducted - firing a friend. She had been out on workers' comp for over three years due to a head injury and was not approaching MMI anytime soon. Many of you provided some great advice which, while it did not make the termination less difficult, did help both of us through it.

Just thought you would like to know that she stopped by my office this morning and she looks great! She is now living in Eastern Oregon (motto: We have lots of dust and wind over here), she is continuing her physical therapy, has recovered from her surgery and, while she is still not medically stationary, she says she is feeling much better. She is looking forward to the day when she can go back to work (she is currently writing the Great American Novel)and told me she would like to switch careers and go into HR!

I tried to dissuade her, but she was having none of it. x;-)


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