Man From Nantucket

There was a young man from Nantucket....
No, not that one. The one who experienced 84 mile per hour winds yesterday. Who can imagine this. Sounds like a blizzard. And I have been praying to see some snow for years! A friend in NY emailed me a photo of his BBQ grill with a cone of snow on top of it about 18 inches high!


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Don, if someone from your receiving department walks by your office and throws a Fedex package at your head, it probably contains a snow ball with instructions what to do with it.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-24-05 AT 12:18PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I once knew an attorney who could recite limericks for hours on end. He had books of limericks. We used him as a labor attorney and when we had a caucus, he'd keep us entertained for hours.
    Know any clean ones which can be posted?

    Edit Before you get started, maybe you should consider this:

    A lim-rick or two at first,
    And soon your are scorned at and cursed!
    So stop right today,
    That rhyming away,
    Lest things go from bad to versed.
  • A man from Miss-iss-ippi
    Loved his girls large and lippy
    One ate more than him
    And drank all his gin
    Now he just has his dog, Skippy

    The weather here in my state
    Is making me quite irate
    Shoveling twice
    In one day isn't nice
    Tomorrow I'm just sleeping late

  • Hi, all!

    I'm not creative enough to come up with one on my own, (Haiku are easier...!) so I'll submit one from a cousin... Back before DVD players in cars, we played word games to pass the time during road trips. Runs in the family. My cousin (the limerick author's sister) wrote;

    "On some trip between Iowa and South Dakota, Ken and I amused ourselves with spelling what was purported to be the longest non-technical word in the English language, antidisestablishmentarianism, which was a historical term meaning the opposition to the disestablishment of some church or other. Then Ken got a high school assignment to write a limerick, and this was what he wrote:

    At spelling he never would miss 'em
    Though people would constantly quiz 'im
    Came the end of his bliss
    When he missed "antidis-

  • We plowed 12+ inches from our driveway yesterday. It is officially winter now.

    Here's a limerick I found's more like a tongue twister and fun to say.

    A tutor who taught on the flute
    Tried to teach two young tooters to toot.
    Said the two to the tutor,
    "Is it harder to toot, or
    To tutor two tooters to toot?"
  • When I close my eyes and recite what you say,
    It seems all I see is a vision of Ray!

    He toots and he tats and he bleats and he blats,
    Like the piper once pied we're his coven of rats.

    He leads us around like a sow by the nose.
    and this limerick it seems has come to a close.

    taa daaaaaaa.
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