"Texas school districts would be required to include the body mass index of students as part of their regular report cards under a bill introduced Tuesday by a lawmaker seeking to link healthy minds with healthy bodies."
Maybe, we should begin including this information on annual evaluations, too.
Maybe, we should begin including this information on annual evaluations, too.
weight divided by
(height in inches X height in inches)
times 703.
25 - 29 considered overweight
over 30 considered obese
This overweight thing is an epidemic. It is effecting nearly every segment of our society. If it is not getting done at home, then what do we do?
Ignore it and hope it will go away? That will never work.
Also, I refute that the argument that it should be done because the parents are not fulfilling their responsibilities. This is the same argument I have heard from people who want prayer in schools (and you don't want to start me on that).
...or to teach sex education because the parents aren't doing it at home. Will it stop kids from being curious and experimenting? No.
But for the question on obesity and the general overweight condition of our society - if the parents aren't doing it, do we just throw up our hands and say, well it is their choice and their consequence? The consequences don't stay confined to that set of parents and their children - the consequences burden all of us. I won't or can't list all of them, but just consider the burden on our health care system alone. Does it really need any more upward pressure?