Postage Due

As professionals we ought to publish common sense rules for those applying for a job. For instance, when you send a resume by snail mail – postage due – not a good thing. Unless you have mastered the space-time continuum star trek thing, a regressive employment history does not work. Example: I worked at XYZ from 2004 to 1994. Certain states in our great country have laws prohibiting the use of cells phones when driving – do we need a law stating you must turn your cell phone off when in an interview?! Purple crayon – not a good tool for resume writing. When the company name is 3 letters long, I know this asking a lot, spell it correctly.
If you have any common sense rules for this topic – let me know. By the way, to each: have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
If you have any common sense rules for this topic – let me know. By the way, to each: have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Or how about applying for a job online and submitting several times? Especially when said applicant isn't remotely qualified.
A male singer/dancer who applies for Code Enforcement Officer. (I'm curious about his method for delivering citations).
We also provided some of our facilities to a very large/popular name retailer coming to town so they could interview and take applications for about 600-800 applicants. One girl showed up for her interview in flip flops and cut offs and got the job!
Ad says attention to detail is a requirement & at the end of it, no phone calls please. What do we get - phone calls.
"I'll explain in the interview" as the responsse to our question about whether they have been convicted of a crime...