It's over



  • Let's see what he does in the next (4) years - I don't have faith he will do any better than he already has done. You may think it is mainstream but look at the religious faction, many of whom don't regularly vote - they are pinning their hopes on the fact that he is going to change many things - I personally don't think it will happen.
  • The election is over. Bush has been declared the winner.

    Enough already. Time to move on.
  • Rita, I have a different take on this. Yes, the election is over, and yes, it's time to move on. But just because the election itself is over doesn't mean that the issues and challenges facing this country are resolved, and maybe part of moving on means continuing the dialog.

    Perhaps this is naive and foolishly optimistic, but I believe that the mutually respectful exchange of ideas and opinions will contribute to that "healing" we keep hearing so much about.

    Maybe even more naive and foolishly optimistic, I like to remember that this country was founded on dissent, and America will benefit the most when her citizens are fully engaged in the process other than just around election times. I fully intend to continue to be an activist for my beliefs for the next four years, and I would expect no less of my worthy opponents.

  • Well said Whirlwind. If both candidates had spent more time on the issues and how they would address them and solve them, it would have been more civil. But when you have the Michael Moore's (M. Moron) of the world stirring the pot, it is hard to stay on message.

    As I have said before, since the Republicans have such a clear majority now, I think it is time for the Demo's to look for ways to work with us.
  • For the record, the swiftboat vets were not very helpful either.
    Unfortunately, there are some issues that I know of no way of resolving with the right wing of the Republican party (abortion rights, privatization of social security, prayer in school, school vouchers, gay rights).
    There is always a possibility of democrats and republicans working together. NYC may be heavily democratic, but we have a Republican mayor (and I think Bloomberg is terrific), our previous mayor was a Republican, our governor is a Republican and the biggest issues are NYC vs. the rest of NY State. Of course, these are moderate Republicans. (Ray--it is not my fault if the state-wide Republicans chose to give the election to Chuck Schumer).

    Finally, when Bill Clinton was initially elected, it would have been nice if the republicans had wanted to work with the democrats instead of going after Bill Clinton from day one.

    Have I stirred the pot enough yet?

  • Whatever, even though my county is slightly more republican, Kerry beat out Bush. And, several local republican incumbents were beat out by the democrats.

  • Finally, when Bill Clinton was initially elected, it would have been nice if the republicans had wanted to work with the democrats instead of going after Bill Clinton from day one.

    Have I stirred the pot enough yet?

    Bill Clinton, of my neighbor state, was a known philanderer, criminal and gad-about-town when serving as governor or Arkansas. He carried that reputation along with him into the White House. Of Mena Airport, drug-drop fame, his charades and hotel daliances followed him along, much to the chagrin of Hillary, who was already battling her own personal demons, hoping to not be outed. This clown will go down in America's history as the president (with a small 'p') who most symbolizes those among us who should never,ever occupy the office.
  • Who says the 'swiftboat guys' were not very helpful? They may, in fact, have turned this whole election with their revelation of truth. Can you begin to imagine the number of just regular folks who were swayed by their commercials?
  • Just like a Joizey gurl! The erection is over. Time to smoke a cigarette and go shopping.
  • I was thinking that maybe if we could analyze this incredible division in our country today, maybe it WOULD be possible to heal it and work together somehow. When and how did this evolve? I don't really think it existed during the Clinton administration. I know that I hated the fact that Clinton lied to the country and the people surrounding him about the affairs, but he should have just refused to answer questions about his personal life. Mistake. Today this is different.

    We are faced with a war, people dying each day, including over 15,000 Iraqi civilians, fear of terrorism, serious economic deficit problems, Social Security (good idea to privatize for the younger people to invest in stocks, but what about those who have paid into it for 35 years?) I follow events very carefully, but it's hard to see anything clearly anymore. Let's not even mention health care, although each candidate says he has a panacea for that, but no real solution.

    Neither candidate mentioned welfare spending, compounding with each generation, and paying people to have more children. Yes, Don, I know that the Democratic party started this, but the Republican party didn't curtail or stop it. Ok, yeah, right these people vote. Sorry for ranting.

    Why can't smart people solve these problems????
  • You're first step in this process is to quit watching CNN and start watching FOX.
  • Don
    Why do you keep forgetting I am a Republican. By the way, Fox is too "one-sided."
  • Sorry Celeste, I didn't realize you were in the room. I was responding to Irene. x:-). If you consider Fox to be 'one sided', what do you call CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC? Dan Rather cried on the air when Bush was elected. Brokaw mumbled so badly he couldn't pronounce Maaat Lawwwrherr. His face was bright red and his teeth almost fell out. Jennings was fiddling for his passport. Larry King overdosed on Maalox, prune juice and Esther C. Follow the expert talking heads. You'll find that the rest have way whopsided numbers of people like Geraldine Feraro and Nancy Pelosi while Fox has folks from all sides of the aisle and the balcony and peanut gallery. I like that.
  • That's funny. I need a laugh today. I'm sorry I interrupted you and Irene.
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