KFC For Kerry

Kentucky Fried Chicken announced Tuesday that they would be promoting the Kerry Campaign. From now until election day at 7pm when the polls
close they would donate $1 for every bucket of chicken ordered. They called it the KFC $1 deal... That's "Kerry Fried Chicken".
Unfortunately when customers got what they ordered, the bucket was full of Left Wings and A** Holes.
close they would donate $1 for every bucket of chicken ordered. They called it the KFC $1 deal... That's "Kerry Fried Chicken".
Unfortunately when customers got what they ordered, the bucket was full of Left Wings and A** Holes.
I think Bush got the right wings, Cheney got the gizzard, Edwards got an egg, and Schwartzeneger wanted all the breasts and thighs but settled for a California roll.
James Sokolowski
Hey James! Good one. Good one.