Breast Cancer Research

This past weekend, Phoenix sponsored a 3 day walkathon to raise money for breast cancer research. One of the female marchers came up with a novel way to raise money.
Each person in the walk was asked to raise a minimum of $2000. At the begining of the walk during the opening ceremonies, all those who raised the $2000 were asked to stand up. Then those who raised $2500, remain standing and so on until there was only one person standing. A very outgoing woman was the only one standing.
When she was asked how much she raised, she said $6000. Of course the next question was, how did you do it. She smiled and said that she put on her tightest sweater and went to her husband's place of work. She went from work station to work station, desk to desk, stuck her chest out and said, "Aren't these beautiful? Will you help me keep them that way?"
Viola! $6000. Leave it to female ingenuity. From the way she delivered her statement, I believe it.
Each person in the walk was asked to raise a minimum of $2000. At the begining of the walk during the opening ceremonies, all those who raised the $2000 were asked to stand up. Then those who raised $2500, remain standing and so on until there was only one person standing. A very outgoing woman was the only one standing.
When she was asked how much she raised, she said $6000. Of course the next question was, how did you do it. She smiled and said that she put on her tightest sweater and went to her husband's place of work. She went from work station to work station, desk to desk, stuck her chest out and said, "Aren't these beautiful? Will you help me keep them that way?"
Viola! $6000. Leave it to female ingenuity. From the way she delivered her statement, I believe it.
Obviously not is my edit. I was spelling Ti*s. Maybe that will work.
I get a lump in my throat every time I think that my daughter might never have known my mother. My mother took her last Chemo treatment April 23, 1994, my 27th birthday, God love her she was so sick she couldn't eat any cake. The following year I was married and my mom was there (she was so worried she wouldn't have hair for my wedding). The next year I had my daughter and my mother was the second person to lay eyes on her.
I thank each and every person that walks that mile or donates that money or even buys something where the proceeds go to breast cancer research because of you my daughter has my mom to love her and squeeze her and spoil her rotten. My mother is 72 years old now...still teaches in the public school system (she says why retire she's not ready to yet) and loves life every day.