Where will they come from?

One thing that nags at me about Kerry's position on the war (both wars, in fact). He keeps mentioning that he will increase the military by 40,000 troops - said it time and again during the debates. If we don't have a draft, where will those additional 40,000 troops come from? Recruiters from all services have already fallen short of their goals for FY2004, Guard and reserve troops are choosing to get out at the first opportunity (at least in Oregon, which has half its total NG strength on active duty) and the ranks are already spread thin.
Where will these new troops come from? Have I missed something?
Where will these new troops come from? Have I missed something?
My hubby's oldest son (17) has always planned a military career but has said that he's less likely to go if Bush is elected....many of his friends indicate the same. I won't even attempt to explain the logic that makes a 17 year olds brain work...but that's what he's been saying.
I assume that was sarcasm? x;-)