Enemy Combatants and Patriot Act?

These are 2 issues in the presidential campagne that although I have a brief understanding of what they are I do not feel I have a good understanding. Does anyone know where I can get some UNbiased info on them? I did a google search and yes there is tons of info on the web but I don't want to read biased information nor do I have the desire to read the entire Patriot Act. Thank you for your help.
Enemy Combatants - Kerry against labeling U.S. citizens "enemy combatants" and Bush supports labeling of U.S. citizens as "enemy combatants"
What are they talking about?
It's my understanding that the Patriot Act does allow a US citizen to be 'considered' an enemy combatant, thus removing from that person some of the protections normally afforded him by the US constitution.
In other words, Kerry, who voted for The Patriot Act now does not favor it, if what you posted is true. Being against it now will get him Hispanic and minority votes. Not to sound biased, but I'm not surprised by that.
So does that mean people like John Walker Lindh are not afforded protection by the Constitution? Would he, even though an American citizen, be considered an enemy combatant? Maybe you don't know the answer, I guess I'm just looking for an example because I do not completely understand.
It's essentially a military term.
The short answer to your question is that YES a US citizen can be considered an enemy combatant. Such a person can be held without access to legal counsel; however, they may challange their detention through the US courts.
As far as support for the Patriot Act goes...what many policiticans, including Kerry, have said is that fundamentally, the Act is important and necessary. However, some clauses of the Act have become over-reaching and provided a method for the US Government to infringe on the basic rights of US Citizens. They seem to want to get back to the original intent of the Act, which was to help halt terrorism through monitoring of financial assets.
I hope this helped!