
Went to a good website this morning:
anyone who is having difficulty on deciding should check this out or even if you have decided. Set aside your views of the personality of the man or his spouse,(this country is not ruled by just one person) and just look at where they stand on the major issues for or against.
This is a non-partisan site.
Vote for Kerry.
The preceding was not paid for nor endorsed by the Kerry campaign....
anyone who is having difficulty on deciding should check this out or even if you have decided. Set aside your views of the personality of the man or his spouse,(this country is not ruled by just one person) and just look at where they stand on the major issues for or against.
This is a non-partisan site.
Vote for Kerry.
The preceding was not paid for nor endorsed by the Kerry campaign....
But, a little analysis reveals...of all the issues listed Kerry was only *somewhat* for or against 19, Bush was *somewhat* for or against 7. It has been said Bush has stong convictions and Kerry doesn't and waffles. This site seems to support that. Vote Kerry if you are ambivalent.
Nader doesn't really matter. But, he did have 10 issues with no opinion as opposed to only 2 each for Bush and Kerry. So, if you have no opinion or don't care, vote Nader.
I know it's not a direct analogy, but it seems as though owning a car has more hoops to jump through then owning a gun. I google'd the statistics quick and in 2003 there were 42,643 vehicle related deaths (NHTSA statistic) and in 2001 (couldn't find anything more recent) there were 29,573 gun related deaths (CDC statistic) - both numbers are high. With cars, there are mandatory age requirements, driving instruction classes, tests at the DMV (driven and written), vision acuity, license requirements, insurance requirements, tabs, license fees/taxes, etc - and that's just for the owners. Manufacturers have to go through the gov. in regards to standard emissions, safety features, etc. And, can't folks still sue the manufacturers if they make a bad car or bad tires? Do the same 'hoops' exist for owning guns?
If you study many of society's control-freak laws today, you will notice that they all had one thing in common....a little here, a little there, until, whammo!
John Kerry has stated he is for public disclosure and recording of every weapon owned and in some cases that the government would be able to seize those weapons. That's frightening. It's very simplistic to think of the issue as one of 'background checks' or 'a little blue plastic lock on a new glock'.
And it is friggin' insane to think that the legal system should allow me to sue Winchester if some crack head with a model 12, sixteen gauge blows my wife away with it. That's the John Edwards theory of personal enrichment.
That is definetly not frightening to me! People WITH guns is FRIGHTENING to me. I'll never understand the fascination with guns, why do you need them? I've lived on my own since I was 17 (with just a couple of brief marriages...just 2!) and I have never felt that I needed nor wanted a gun to protect myself and I'm a petite woman. How anyone could go out and hunt a poor defenseless animal with a gun is beyond me, go to the grocery store and buy meat you don't have to hunt. Shooting animals for sport? that is very scary not sporty. If you want to hunt for sport give the animal a chance use a bow and arrow if you must.