
Just spent what I had hoped would be a beautiful four day weekend at Lake Washington in Washington County, MS., fishing with my son. It rained hard and steady from the time we got there Friday till we pulled up stakes and headed in Sunday afternoon. We cancelled the cabin for Monday. Between pulling up a picnic table under our cabin door overhang to grill steaks and fishing for supper in a driving rain, we met a few couples from that damned dreaded place up north. A guy from Michigan this morning helped me and my son pull my sunk boat up onto the pier. The motor is ruined and all my stuff floated off, but this yankee helped us save the boat. Then there was another couple in an adjacent cabin from Ohio. She said she raises rabbits and today, as we were about to leave, she invited us to stay for fried rabbit supper. I wouldn't have a boat if it were not for a guy from Michigan and a woman from Ohio invites two Southerners for fried rabbit, biscuits and gravy. I'm at a loss for words. I must admit to being surprised and impressed with the generosity of these Yankees.
In any case, I thought this would be about the coming series between the NY Yankees and the Boston team.
When I did a Diversity Training in N.C. last year, it was amazing what was written on the "Yankee" and "Southerners" panels. When we debriefed, there were quite a few ashamed faces for the way we fall for the stereotypes and generalizations about others.
Happy Birthday!
Didn't run into Burt Reynolds or Ned Beatty on any of those trips, did ya? x;-)
I met two lovely elderly (in their 70's?) couples from North Carolina several months ago on my walk home, they were looking for the Old North Church which is around the corner from my apartment. On the walk over, I pointed out several smaller landmarks, gave them tips on everything from where to eat to how to cross the street. By the time I left them, we were like old friends and if they are back in May, they are going to take me out for my graduation from grad school!
I do the same with "leef peepers" and other tourists up my way this time of year.
But that said, I feel a much closer kinship to someone from MS than from San Francisco.
I suspect Whatever, a noted and admitted liberal, has never been to the South, much less to Mississippi. And all I know about San Francisco is the tremendous amount of negative stuff I've seen, read and heard about it over the years.
Maybe all of that is bogus information. But we form our opinions based on the information we have available to us, don't we.
Aside from vacations in Florida, I have never been down South. I did have a stop over in the Houston airport once and that was lots of fun. I found a bar, a group of guys in cowboy hats willing to buy my drinks and had a great ole time. :DD
You should come visit both New York and Boston. We are great cities.
You shouldn't believe what you see and read. After all, think of the image of the uneducated southern cracker with the illicit still or the tobacco chewing, overweight town police chief.