What are You, Liberal or Conservative?

My daughter brought home a survey from her Social Studies class. I found it very interesting so I will share it with all of you. I apologize ahead of time for the longness. But I know you forumites are intelligent enough to handle it. I will give the answer key in a later post.

Please read the following and answer questions carefully. Answer "yes" if you agree or "no" if you disagree. Do not leave any question unanswered.

1.____As a world power, the US should become involved in any international conflict that threatens world peace.
2.____Wiretapping and eavesdropping should be used to aid in the arrest of organized criminals.
3.____All American families should be guarenteed a minimum annual income.
4.____The Supreme Court's decisions, which secure persons the right to counsel and the right to remain silent, are vital.
5.____The electoral college should be revised so that the president is elected by popular vote.
6.____Money now used for defense of the nation should be used for other priorities such as education and welfare.
7.____The US has an obligation to stop aggression in the world.
8.____The United Nations offers the best opportunity for world peace.
9.____Local and state governments should handle many of the functions that the fed gov't now manages.
10.____Gun control will reduce crime and should be strictly enforced.
11.____Citizens who have been discriminated against should be given preferential treatment in order to "catch up."
12.____Deficit spending is a good budget policy for the federal government..
13.____The gov't should impose strong pollution controls on business and industry.
14.____The fed gov't should aid cities in solving their problems.
15.____Labor union membership should be voluntary.
16.____This country ought to return to "good old-fashioned patriotism."
17.____ Unemployment is less harmful than inflation.
18.____ Foreign aid should be reduced.
19.____ Radical political groups are a serious threat to American freedom.
20.____ The gov't should be spending more $ for human welfare.
21.____ The fed gov't should prevent newspapers from publishing secret documents.
22.____ The fed gov't should pay farmers' losses due to extreme weather conditions.
23.____ There should be a new program of national health insurance to cover all Americans and to lower the cost of medical care.
24.____Students from poor, inner city neighborhoods should be bused to affluent suburbs in order to have = education.
25.____ The US should have stricter law enforcement in order to prevent crime.
26.____ The American tax system should be changed so that those who have more wealth will pay higher taxes.
27.____ More taxes should be paid by corporation so that individual citizens will pay lower taxes.
28.____ The fed gov't should pay the leading role in solving America's problems.
29.____American business needs more regulation by the fed gov't.
30.____ The fed gov't should intervene to prevent major union strikes.


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