Bush Needs A Coach



  • Hey, Don. How come they do that funny thing with our states sometimes? Now you are in MD and I noticed I was in MS earlier. Talk about walking in someone else's shoes!
  • My 12 year old son, who was in and out of the room while the debate was on pointed out how much shorter the president is than Kerry. He noticed that the cameras were set up so that the top of their heads were at the same level but George had much more of the podium showing. Need to get that man a soap box to stand on next time. He also pointed out the odd expressions on the president's face while Kerry was speaking. "Out of the mouths of babes....
    Good luck in November,
  • Your son is very astute. And it was no accident each time they met to shake hands that Kerry pulled Bush up to him and shook and grinned for an extended period of time, even holding Bush's elbow so Bush could not break away. In the first debate, when Bush finally tried to quit shaking hands and let go, Kerry was still holding on and almost snatched George back. Kerry's handlers instructed him to do all that for the 'taller' thing, I'm sure. It was good that they toned down the orange makeup in the final debate though. I was about to take my TV to the shop. OK class, let's see who can find a pumpkin the size of Kerry's head..........
  • I thought W looked orange this last time. Especially one shot that was a split screen.
  • Don, if this post wasn't so funny I would try for a good come back. Well, at least you made me laugh on this gloomy Friday.
  • Dasher; you're supposed to be on a scavenger hunt, for a pumpkin, and you're hanging around in the hall, talking foolishness! Go.
  • Might as well move this one up to the top with the others. This may be a first, that most of the threads at the top are on the same subject. Which one was it that slipped in the cheap shot about Bush's girlfriend having an abortion? And what evidence does anyone have of that having occurred. If she did, she did; but, I'd like to hear some evidence of that.
  • Even I thought that was a cheap shot at Bush and totally irrelevant, and I'm not a Bush supporter.
  • I agree. Even if it's true, it doesn't "prove" anything other than that he had sex. Certainly doesn't mean he wanted, aided, or abetted the abortion, so it doesn't necessarily arm the pro-choice side with the right to call him a hypocrite. For the same reason, it shouldn't displease the right-to-lifers too much. Might bug the abstinence advocates a bit, though.

  • ha...I imagine abstinance advocates are bugged by a lot of things...frustrating
  • I wouldn't trade places with either of them! Can you imaging the constant badgering, the pressure, the criticisms? Oh yeah! I forgot. HR folks get that all the time. But thank goodness for me that the people I work with and support don't pass judgement on me and forever mark me as incompetent for one bad moment, one stupid remark, or one "sucked on a lemon" facial expression; they take into account the countless other things I've done right. I'd be willing to bet that if any of us were under that kind of fire, we'd be giving worse looks than that, and probably adding in a few extra expletives and three fingered salutes to boot!
  • We've turned our politicians into cartoon characters....I can't fathom wanting to run for anything EVER and hearing all about the time I had to stand in the corner in the 2nd grade....and how this now makes me unfit to sit on the school board.

    I don't know when this happened, maybe with Nixon...maybe with the 24 hour media coverage...and the desire to turn nothing into something that appears to be newsworthy...I don't know...but it's borderline nuts.

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