Tomorrow's debate or the Ludicrous part 1

Now that the candidates have agreed on the rules of the debates (and, if you read the rules which run 32 pages, it would be clear that both camps think their candidates are idiots and shouldn't debate) the media is balking at the rules. Even the Commission on Presidential Debates has concerns and may not sign the agreement. It's beginning to seem that filling in a tax return is easier. Okay, that's my vent for the day.


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Haven't seen the rules, but I'm not surprised. Both candidates have so many flaws that they need to be protected against themselves, more than each other. Their handlers are probably scared to death.

  • I'm watching purely for the comic value. I've given up almost all hope of being able to make a decision by Nov 2 but since CSI is not being aired, I need to watch something before bed anyway.
  • I'm actually looking forward to it. See if either of them can say anything that will make me change my mind. My problem is that basically I'm a conservative and huge proponent of state's rights who abhors the huge federal bureaucracy characteristic of democratic administrations. On social issues, I'm a liberal democrat (anti-death penalty, fully funded social security, drugs from Canada, anti-Iraq War, anti-expansionist, etc.)

    I have not been this torn between candidates in any election I can remember - but according to the little MSN survey thing yesterday, I'm supposed to vote for Bush because I agreed with his positions on more issues (go figure).

  • I am also very conservative in some ways and liberal in others. I am torn as to what to do. I don't want to vote for Kerry because I do not think he'll be a good president but I can not vote for Bush because I do not agree with alot of what he does.

    Since I'm in Mass my vote won't matter anyway, Kerry will take the state. But I can't help but wonder what would happen if everyone thought that and decided not to vote.

    So I will watch and maybe learn something that will help me make up my mind.
  • I'll be watching something a little less wrestling.
  • I'll be watching and rooting for 'Dubya' to do well. I tend to be a bit like Beags, real conservative politically, but much less so socially. I can't agree with GW on everything, but on the things I see as important, I do agree. I loathe Kerry and can barely bear to hear him speak, let alone watch him, but I will enjoy turning up the red and watching him glow ORANGE. Kerry's positions are almost as ludicrous to me as Al Sharpton. How any ligitimate, reasonable party could include him is totally inconceivable to me, and puts the rot on the whole barrel.
  • Shadow: Me and you is buddies. I'm buying whatever it is you want. I'll drive.
  • This staging should not be called a debate. It sounds more like an info-mercial. I'll be watching but cannot see how any of it will help those who are still in a quandary.
  • The final debate is at Arizona State University, where they are putting up a 32,000 $1.5 million square foot press tent, taking a building with an audience capacity of some 3,000 and changing that to 300, and telling everybody to stay away while my boss' professor is telling her he's giving a mid-term that night. We'll see if it's worth it tonight...
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