Ralph Nader

The man whose eyes look in two or three different directions, crumpled suit, tonite on tv with his Columbo act; says anybody who was in the Guard or the Navy or the Air Force was doing nothing but dodging combat, what, 35 years ago?! He's still battling the Corvair, he holds up a T-Shirt with his .org address on it and asks for money. Is this really what the country needs for a three party system? I'm all for a third party and some healthy competition, but, c'mon, what's it gonna take?


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We haven't had a viable third party candidate for some time. Some could even argue that we have had no viable candidates from any party for some time - but I won't go there.

    Nader helped thwart democrats last time and Perot helped Clinton get in for his first stint. But surely no one thinks any of the third party candidates has a real chance at getting in. I guess Minnesota could point at Jesse and say that it is possible and there may be a few other examples here an there, but none for the top spot.

  • Hey don't count Columbo out quite yet. Mainly because of his entertainment value, I'm going to have to stick by him. You can't say he isn't effective. When's the last time you ever heard of someone getting hurt or killed by a Corvair? I fully expect he'll use the same methods against the terrorists and in no time they won't be killing anyone anymore.

    My wife, who will be voting for Bush, told me to go ahead and vote for Nader because that will be take a vote away from Kerry. "Not so fast", I countered. "Kerry is my third choice and if Daffy Duck were running, he'd be my fourth choice."

    As Norton would say, "Go get 'em, Ralphie Boy!"
  • Hey Larry, I don't think you are giving Daffy enough credit, relatively speaking.
  • I heard last night that Ralphie was denied a place on the ballot in one of the Southern states, Alabama I believe. Funny, 4 years ago Gov. Pataki was able to keep McCain off the primary ballot in NY and the dems cried foul. Now they are doing the same thing with Nader.

    There was only one problem with the Corvair - it was a car ahead of it's time.
  • Ah yes, as with the Corvair, a car ahead of its time. Nader, a crusader, a man ahead of his mind.

    (didn't you recently purchase a Corvair Raymond?)
  • Hey how about that... Don hijacked his own thread and turned it into a discussion of Corvairs.
  • It was also a car ahead of its engine.
  • Nader will not be on the ballot in PA, either. The courts ruled that he was nominated by the Green Party and could not now run as an independent. It's a technicality...but sometimes that's what the law comes down to.

    A viable 3 party system would be great...but we're just not there yet.
  • I will never forget when my Mother told me that Dad had sold the '59 Morris Minor and had bought a little white sports car that Dad and I would share. When I asked what kind of car, Mom said it is a white corvette. You can imagine the joy that this 16 year old had when I heard Dad had bought a corvette. I could not wait to drive to the auto dealer and see the corvette! Turns out it was not a corvette it was a corvair. Turned out to really be a lemon too, we only keep it a couple of weeks and traded it in. I believe we ended up with a '65, two door, fire engine red Ford Galaxy 500 with a big V-8.
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