More politics



  • >Don. no one is taking your guns! The ban on
    >assult weapons is set to expire...and will
    >likely not be reinstated anytime soon... x;-)

    Way too cool. Does that mean that in the near future I will be able to purchase a magazine for my 22 rifle that holds more than 10 rounds, man o man I can't wait for that.

  • Absolutely correct. 60 Minutes did a story about it last night. The ban is set to expire and the Republicans don't want to renew it (obviously) and the Democrats don't want to incur the wrath of the National Rifle Association this close to the election - so our high-capacity magazines are back, boys and girls - along with AK-47s, AR-15s, Uzis, grenade launchers, bazookas, the civilian version of the M-1A1 Abrams tank... (and before all the literalists jump on this one, I'm only kidding about the items listed after the Uzi). x;-)
  • "The question is how do we reach out and work with those who hate the acts of the terrorists but agree with their goals."

    I've worked really hard trying to understand that question. While dove hunting yesterday afternoon on 4500 acres with 150 guys (one woman), I even set aside some quiet time to work on understanding it. I just can't get it.

    The goal of terrorists is to bring terror, typically through the annihilation of another or others. The 'goal' in the current instance is not to 'achieve peace' or 'carve out a cool homeland' or 'work toward world order' or any other neat objective. The 'goal' is to 'destroy the infidels'. Westerners, America in particular, are the infidels, as clearly defined in their writings and teachings. It's how they raise their children to think.

    So, who the hell is out there who hates the acts but understands the goals? And if you manage to point to one, why would I want to 'reach out and work with them'?

    In my way of thinking, law and order must be maintained in a society by swift response to the misdeeds of its members, without regard to a roundtable discussion of why the misdeed might have occurred or whether the actor was mistreated as a child or trying to understand and possibly dismiss his action as warranted somehow.
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