Liberals Only
ray a
5,703 Posts
Just wanted to remind our left-of-center friends that today is the anniversary of the birth of Lyndon Baines Johnson. He was born in Texas 96 years ago. I trust y'all will celebrate appropriately.
although, I don't know how much posting will go on in here!!!
Oh, sorry said liberals only. x:-)
How do you think I feel? For the past hour and a half I've been looking at this post, wondering if I should open it or not. My liberal side said "sure, open it, its all about you". My conservative side said "open it and die" Then my liberal side said "oh,thats nonsense, you're in Massachusetts, you can't be killed here!" so I said to heck with it, and opened it only to discover that I'm too young to really understand what he even did (sorry to throw the age thing out there again Don). So I'm throwing my split personality self on the couch tonight to watch Monk.