"That's what we're paying you for."

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-03-04 AT 10:36AM (CST)[/font][br][br]#1 - EE has exhaused all FML and leave extensions and cannot return to work. EE knows he's getting his term letter and goes to the mayor. The mayor says "I'll do anything I can to keep your job - but it's up to HR."

#2 - A non-qualified ee wants promoted to an open position and goes to the mayor. The mayor says "As far as I'm concerned, the job is yours - but the final decision is up to Ms. Moll."

I asked the mayor "Why do you do that? Why can't you just defer all inquiries to HR instead of making me look like the grim reaper and issuer of 'Dear John' letters?"

What's his reply??? (no more calls - we have a winner!)

THANX. I feel better now.

(Oops. Sorry, I meant to put this in HR-de-har-har.)


  • 9 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Politicians are often spineless, but they get where they are because of their ability to sidestep. Oops, I am being cynical again.
  • Our company president is like that. He likes to play the good cop telling people they can go to him with any complaint and he will look into it. Not once has he ever changed one of our decisions, but he remains the good cop and I am the bad cop.
  • Maybe he's right. We're paid to be the 'fall guy.' Who gets the credit when HR barters with group insurance and gets a 'pass' - no increase!?

    Yes, that's what we're getting paid for. Me too, Marc.
  • Maybe someone should remind Hizzoner that HR people are also voters.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-03-04 AT 12:25PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I soooo feel your pain. Commissioner's fiances, friends of the mayor..it just comes with the territory. We have elections this year and expecting a big change and then it will start over again. (:|

    Edit..I don't know if you have strong mayor or City Manager government, but our CM does run alot of interference for us and employees are strongly encouraged to follow the chain of command. Commission is supposed to go thru CM to get to us and vice versa. It does help some.
  • Yep, that's why we get the big bucks. x:P
  • I've worked in both public and private sector for more than several years; government service, healthcare, manufacturing and transportation. Your dilemma is not peculiar to city government or politicians, although that type may be more boisterous about their claims to having a bottomless jar of Christmas candy.

    The further removed a manager is from the process and the higher up he/she is on the food chain, has a direct correlation with the promises he/she makes that candy may or might be delivered with his/her influence. That theorum is proven.

    After suffering through this for more than several years at the delivery level, I find the only answer, the ONLY answer, is to have my pencil on my paper, looking down at it as I write, and shaking my head very slowly, murmering, "I don't know why he does that." Then look up, smile at the person in front of you and ask, "Now, what can I do to assist you this morning?"
  • smile at the person in front of you

    (It's really a sneer.)

  • Well.......I meant the poor guy the arrogant mayor had misled. I'd smile at him and hope I could diffuse the bomb the mayor had lit earlier in the day.

    I would also go into the mayor's office and tell him how his behavior makes my job tougher and ultimately reflects on his credibility. I watch lots of Andy Griffith reruns. Mayor Stoner comes to mind.
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