COMMENDATION?!? help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been elected (short straw vote) to write a commendation and have it suitably framed for presentation to one of our "founding fathers" who is retiring. The "framing part" I'm totaly up for, but have minimal ideas on how to write a commendation for an officer who's been with the company longer than I've been alive. I really need ideas or a sample or a site I can check for a source.

Please help!!


  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If you're looking to borrow someone else's words...check some of the larger websites (yahoo, msn) they will have a section for "quotes". I used Peter's Book of Quotations quite a bit in my college years (before the internet!)

    Another idea would be to talk with a local company that does framing, they may have completed similar orders...and could help you out.

  • Why don't you talk to other "old timers" that are close to the person you are writing about. They should be able to give you some perspective.
  • Bold, innovative, aggresive, fair, gracious, generous, humble, prescient, steady, worthy..fill in the blanks. Seriously, this is harder than most of us would admit, and I'm glad it is you and not me. But you probably can't be too flattery (word?) in a case like this.
  • Find an ex military person in your organization and have them bring one in.
  • Ethel,

    We give out commendations, certificates of appreciation, etc. left and right….presumably to help mitigate the crummy pay of a public servant.

    Anyway, here's a boilerplate:


    The Board (or Management) of (whatever co. or organization) presents this commendation to (retiree) with deep gratitude for (#) years of dedicated (an/or other appropriate adjectives from Shadow's list above) service (and/or leadership).

    You have been an inspiration to your colleagues and an invaluable asset to (co. or organization). Thank you.


    Hope this helps!
  • SDDCHR had a good idea about the x mil. I just happen to have access to the framed commendation accompanying an Air Medal and it says:
    The airmanship and coursge exhibited by________ in the sucdessful accomplishment of these important missions under extremely hazardous conditins, demonstrate his proficiency and steadfast devotion to duty. The professional ability and outstanding aerial accomplishments of ________ reflect credit on himself, the USAF Security Service and the USAF and the USA.

    The military does know how to bestow a proper honor!
    Good luck!
  • Trying to figure out why an aircrew member and Air Medal recipient would be attached to the USAF Security Service...hmmmm... special ops shenanigans? :-? Was the rest of the text classified? x;-)
  • Am I being outted by a colleague? Shoudda known there were smart ex troops out there. I was lucky enough to have had a great, exciting, important job, and woulda done it for nothin (and almost did). I do though cherish my medal, and would never through it over any fence. It hangs proudly and prominently in my office, and generates lots of discussion.
  • Thanks to all who helped with info and advice. I have a draft ready for our COB to approve. Couldn't have accomplished it this quickly without you forumites!!!

    P.S. Shadowfax - Congrats and you should be proud!!!!
  • Don't tell me, Shadowfax. Let me guess. It was that special op to infiltrate the John Birch Society at that Grange Hall in Iowa, when your plane ingested a chicken and had engine failure, wasn't it? x;-) (Hope you know I'm just joking).

  • So Beags that waas you in the camo paint and the birds nest on your head! Yeah, we hid that 130 in the corn field and no one was ever the wiser. And you havn't heard much from ol John B lately have you? Those were some good times, eh?
  • Wait - don't go yet. Combine some words from these threads, such as - Throughout your long service you have demonstrated that you are a pinhead, skank and a hooter. The way you poop at work has always been commendable and you did it because you could.
  • Somehow I knew without looking at my calendar that Gillian3 posted that on a Friday. That's the day he loosens up and his drawers ain't in a wad.x}>

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